
Terms for subject Economy containing effective | all forms | exact matches only
Advertising in TV at 6 p.m. is the most effective way of selling下午6点的电视广告是最有效的销售方式
aggregate effective demand综合有效要求
All rights of either party existing before the effective date of the agreement shall remain unimpaired双方在本协议生效日前已有的全部权利应不受到损害
common standard level of effective protection有效保护的共同标准
cost-effective analysis成本-效果分析
cost-effective basis contribution成本效益基准贡献
cost-effective basis method成本效益基准方法
effect of creating effective demand创造有效需求的效果
effective annual interest rate有效年利率
effective blockage有效封锁
effective calculability有效可计算性
effective cash cost有效现金成本
effective circulation货币的实际流动额
effective coin流通币
Effective Compensation Inc.有效补偿公司
effective consuming power有效消费能力
effective consumption有支付能力的消费
effective cure有效解决办法
effective data生效日期
effective data有效日期
effective date of regulation规章条例生效日期
effective date of regulation条例生效期
effective demand有立付能力的需求
effective demand实际需要
effective depreciation cause实际折旧的原因
effective duty rate on imports对进口品的实际征税率
effective error实际误差
effective exercise of jurisdiction切实行使管辖权
effective fertility有效繁殖力
effective foreign currency实有外币
effective gold standard实际金本位制
effective information有效的资料
effective interest有效利息
effective interest income实际利息收益
effective interest method有效利息法
effective interest method有效利息计算法
effective interest method实际利息法
effective interest rate per interest period有效利率
effective interest rates实际利率
effective interest rates有效利率
effective investment有效投资
effective job offers and job seekers实际空缺职位及求职人数
effective job openings实际空缺职位数
effective kilogram有效千克
effective labour demand实际劳动力需求
effective labour supply实际求职人数
effective liquidity资金的有效流动性
effective liquidity level资金的有效流动水平
effective loans已生效的贷款
effective long-range business planning有效的长期企业计划
effective management实际管理
effective management system有效管理系统
effective occupation有效占领
effective on or about自.....日前后生效
effective output有效产量
effective pay rate实际或有效薪资率
effective payment clause实际支付条款
effective permeability实际渗透率
effective population实际人口
effective porosity实际空隙率
effective possessing有效占有
effective price实际有效价格
effective production实际生产
effective production有效生产
effective protection有效保护
effective protection coefficients有效保护系数
effective purchasing power有支付能力的购买力
effective rate有效速度
effective rate有效利率
effective rate of interest有效利率
effective rate of interest有效利率-
effective rate of interest利息
effective relief有效的法律 救济
effective relief有效的减免
effective relief有效的法律救济
effective royalty rate有效提成率
effective saving实际储蓄
effective saving有效储蓄
effective standard deviation有效标准偏差
effective storage水利有效库容
effective strength有生力量
effective strength实额
effective supply有效供应
effective tax rate实际或有效 税率
effective unit合格品
effective use of energy sources有效利用能源
effective utility有效效用
effective utilization of funds有效地利用资金
effective yield实际收入
effective-yield amortization实际摊销
effective yield method实际报酬率法
effective yield method of bond discount accumulation累计公司债折价的实得法
effective yield method of premium amortization摊销公司债溢价的实得法
estimate of effective asymptote有效渐近线的估计
fluctuating effective rate of return变动的实际收益率
I don't think this will prove to be an effective measure to widen business according to the present situation根据目前形势,我认为这不会是扩大业务的有效措施
In order to ensure the effective use of the equipment, all the necessary technical data should be furnished to the plant为确保设备的有效使用必须向工厂提供一切必要的技术资料
inflation-adjusted effective index通货膨胀调整有效指数
loan approved but not yet effective已核准尚未生效的贷款
maturity structure of effective develop-ment credit有效开发信贷偿还日期表
overall effective tax rate全面实际税率
principle of effective demand有效需求原理
principles of effective demand有效需求原理
The amendments to the clauses approved by the board of directors are as effective as those originally printed in the contract董事会批准的修订条款与合同中原来印的条款有同等效力
The central bank's intervention in banking crisis proved effective中央银行对银行危机的干预收到了良好效果
The effective date of termination is August 6 from which the contract will be voided终止生效日是 8 月6日,从该日起此合同将无效
the effective recourse有效追索
the effective time有效时间
the effective time实际消耗时间
the principle of effective demand有效需求原理.
the undisbursed balance of effective development credit有效开发信贷未拨款项
theory of effective competition有效竞争论
They find advertising in the business paper very cost-effective他们觉得在商业报纸上作广告成本效益很高
This contract shall be effective only for a period of one year from the following month本合同自下个月起有效期仅为一年
This convinced me that they are in a position to look after your export business as your agent in the most effective way这使我相信,他们能最有效地担任你方代理商处理你方的出口业务
to be effective生效
total effective demand有效总需求
total effective fare总有效运费
We should take effective measures to prevent the unauthorized use of our licensed patent by others我方应采取有效措施来防止他人非法使用我方之特许专利
weighted average effective interest rate加权平均实际利率