
Terms for subject Ecology containing effective | all forms | exact matches only
effective accumulate temperature有效积温
effective depth of section截面有效深度或高度
effective diameter有效直径颗粒
effective discharge有效排放
effective discharge有效流量
effective dispersion parameter有效扩散参数
effective dispersion parameter有效剂量
effective elements content有效元素含量
effective emission height有效排放高度
effective evaluation有效评价
effective half period有效半衰期
effective heating surface有效受热面
effective holding capacity有效拦蓄量
effective ingredient有效成分
effective length of column有效柱长
effective modulus of elasticity有效弹性模量
effective mortality rate实际死亡率
effective multiplication factor有效增殖因素
effective nocturnal radiation有效夜间辐射
effective nutrient有效养分
effective perceived noise decibel有效感觉噪声分贝
effective perceived noise level有效感觉噪声级
effective precipitation有效降雨量
effective precipitation有效沉积量
effective protection rate有效保护率
effective reproduction amount有效含盐量
effective reproduction amount有效增殖量
effective reproduction amount实际生殖量
effective sectional area有效截面面积
effective storage有效蓄水量
effective storage capacity有效贮水容量
effective surface有效温高
effective water and wind erosion energy有效水蚀风蚀能量
least effective dose最小有效
median effective concentration半数有效浓度