
Terms for subject Textile industry containing effective | all forms | exact matches only
cease to be effective失效
cease to be effective停止生效
cost-effective price成效价
cost-effective price成本效益价格
effective carriage weight有效载重
effective contract有效合同
effective costs实际费用
effective costs有效费用
effective costs实际成本
effective costs有效成本
effective demand实际需求
effective face效应面
effective face织物有效面
effective face[织物]正面
effective feed in motion有效送布量
effective information有效信息
effective information有效情报
effective insulation ratio有效隔热比
effective management有效管理
effective perceived noise level有效觉察噪声级
effective pile有效绒头
effective pile thickness有效绒头厚度
effective price实际价格
effective range使用范围
effective rate实际汇率
effective rate有效费率
effective rate实际费率
effective rate有效率
effective rate of exchange实际汇率
effective rate of exchange有效汇率
effective side织物正面
effective staple纤维有效长度
effective width有效门幅
effective working day有效工作日
effective yarn花式纱
effective yield实际报酬
effective yield实际收益率
effective yield有效产量
effective yield实际产量
fiber effective length纤维有效长度
length of effective pile有效绒头长度
minimum effective treatment level最小有效处理量