
Terms for subject Environment containing education | all forms | exact matches only
adult education Any instruction or training, informal or formal, which is geared to persons of mature age, regardless of previous education, and typically offered by university extension programs, employers, correspondence courses or community groups成人教育 (任何适合成年人的正式或非正式的指导或训练,不考虑其过去的教育。通常由大学推广项目、雇主、函授课程或社团组织提供。)
continuing education Various forms, methods, and processes of formal and informal education for the continued learning of all ages and categories of the general public. Oriented toward the continued learning/developmental processes of the individual throughout life持续教育 (以一个人终生的持续学习或发展过程为目的,为各年龄各阶层民众的持续性学习而提供的不同形式、方法、过程,正式或非正式的教育。。)
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare美国卫生、教育 、福利部
Department of Health, Education and Welfare美国健康、教育和福利部
education policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which promotes or determines the goals, methods and programs to be used for training, instruction or study that leads to the acquisition of skills or knowledge, or the development of reasoning and judgment教育政策 (政府或者其他的组织所采用和追求的行动方针,用以推动或决定为获得技能知识或推理与判断发展所做的训练、教育、或学习的目标、方法与程序。)
environmental education The educational process that deals with the human interrelationships with the environment and that utilizes an interdisciplinary problem-solving approach with value clarification. Concerned with education progress of knowledge, understanding, attitudes, skills, and commitment for environmental problems and considerations. The need for environmental education is continuous, because each new generation needs to learn conservation for itself环境教育 (有关人类和环境相互关系的教育过程,使用跨领域知识解决问题的方法并强调价值观。有关解决环境问题所需的知识、理解、态度、技能和责任的教育过程。每个新生代都需要学会保护自己的环境,因此对环境教育的需求是不间断的。)
general education Informal learning or formal instruction with broad application to human existence beyond the domain of any particular subject or discipline, often equated with liberal arts in the university setting and contrasted to courses required for a specific major or program通识教育 (超越了任何特定主题或学科领域,对人类生存有广泛应用的,正式或非正式学习。经常等同于在大学教育中的文科教育,区别于特定学科和方向所必修的课程。)
higher education Study beyond secondary school at an institution that offers programs terminating in undergraduate and graduate degrees高等教育 (中学以后的教育,这类教育机构提供学士与研究所(硕士、博士)学位课程。)
level of education A position along a scale of increasingly advanced training marking the degree or grade of instruction either obtained by an individual, offered by a some entity or necessary for a particular job or task教育水平 (标志着受教育的学位或等级的,在越来越先进的培训方面的情况,由个人取得、或者由某个实体提供、或为某个特定的工作或任务所必须。)
primary education The first five or six years of instruction in elementary schools初等教育 (第一个五年或六年制的小学教育。)
secondary education The years of instruction following elementary school and until the end of high school中等教育 (在初等教育之后的教育,直到高中结束。)