
Terms for subject Economy containing economy | all forms | exact matches only
a chair of political economy政治经济学教授
a full-employment economy充分就业机会
a provincial economy地方经济
a shock on the economy经济上的打击
abstract political economy抽象政治经济学
abstract political economy抽象经济学
adjust the national economy调整国民经济
adjustment of economy to monetary change使经济适应币制改革
adjustment of economy to monetary changes使经济适应币制改革
adjustment of national economy国民经济调整
adopt a market economy实行市场经济
advanced creditor economy已开发的债权经济
advanced economy发达经济
advanced economy工业发达国家的经济
agricultural economy农业经济
agriculture based economy农业型经济
agriculture based economy以农业为基础的经济
agriculture-based economy农业型经济
agriculture-based economy以农业为基础的经济
alienation economy转让经济
all-electric economy完全电气化的国民经济
all-round improvement in the economy经济全面好转
American Council for Energy-Efficient Economy美国节能经济委员会
an ailing economy病态经济
an upturn in the economy经济好转
Asia-Pacific Economy Cooperation亚佩克
Asia-Pacific Economy Cooperation亚太经济合作
assets of economy经济财富
assets of the economy经济财富
asymmetrical position in world economy世界经济中不对称形势
asymmetrical position in world economy世界经济中的不对称形势
atomistic economy小经营者经济
balance economy平衡经济
balance of national economy国民经济平衡
balance sheet of national economy国民经济平衡表
balanced economy均衡发展型经济
barter economy交换经济
barter economy实物经济
basic unit in a modern economy基本的经济单位
biobased economy生物经济
block economy经济封锁
bound of an economy经济体的界限
building economy建筑经济
building economy index建筑经济指标
building economy norm建筑经济定额
burgher economy民有经济
burgher economy市民经济
business economy工商业经济
business economy企业经济
capitalist market economy资本主义市场经济
capitalist planned economy资本主义计划经济
capitalist sector of the economy资本主义经济成分
capitalistic commodity economy资本主义商品经济
cash economy商品经济
centralized economy集中的经济
centrally planned economy国家计划经济
centrally planned economy countries中央计划经济国家简写为CPE国家
centrally planned economy countries中央计划经济国家
centrally planned economy country中央计划经济国家简写为CPE国家
chair of political economy政治经济学讲座
challenge of bio-economy生物经济挑战
Chinese Research Council of Technical Economy中国技术经济研究会
Chinese Research Council of Technical Economy中国技术经济研究会、
circular flow of economy经济循环•
civilian economy民用经济
classic political economy古典政治经济学
classical school of political economy古典政治经济学
classification of the branches of national economy国民经济部门分类
climate-resilient economy气候适应型经济
collective economy集体经济
colonial economy殖民地经济
command economy中央集权经济
command economy中央控制经济
command-directed economy非市场经济
command-directed economy集中管理的经济
commanding height of economy经济制高点
commanding heights of economy经济制高点
commercial economy商业经济
communism economy共产主义经济
community economy社区经济
community economy公社经济
community economy社会经济
community economy公共经济
community economy村落经济
competition as a feature of the market economy竞争作为市场经济的一个特色
comprehensive development of economy经济综合发展
Computer technology is a booming sector of the economy计算机技术是经济中迅猛发展的一个领域
Conference on International Economy and Competition Policy国际经济和竞争政策会议
consumer oriented economy由消费者指导的经济
consumer-oriented economy消费导向的经济
consumer’s economy消费经济
consumption economy消费经济
contracting economy收缩的经济情况
control of economy管理经济
control of the economy经济控制
control of the economy管理经济
controlled economy可控经济
co-operation economy合作社经济
cooperative economy合作社经济
co-operative economy合作社经济
cooperative sector of the economy合作社经济
corporate average fuel economy公司平均节油指标
corporate average fuel economy公司平均油耗
corporate economy公司经济
credit and debit economy借贷经济
credit-and-debit economy信贷经济
credit-and-debt economy信贷经济
crop economy农作物经济
crop economy作物经济
crude economy纯粹自然经济
decelerating economy发展速度放慢的经济
defense economy军事经济
develop the economy of scale发展规模经济
developed market economy发达市场经济
developed market-economy countries发达的市场经济国家
developing economy发展中的经济
developing economy market发展中的经济市场
developing market economy发展中的市场经济
directed economy非市场经济
dislocation of national economy国家经济脱节
diversification of the economy经济多样化
diversified economy多种经济
domanial economy官业经济
domestic economy国内经济
domestic economy家庭经济
dormant economy停滞的经济
double economy双重经济
drag on the expansion of the economy阻碍经济的发展
dual economy双重经济体制
dynamic economy动态经济
economy above the plan超计划节约
economy and diseconomy of scale经营规模扩大所造成的经济节约和浪费
economy-class housing production廉价住房工程
economy-class syndrome经济舱综合症
economy ecom经济制度
economy ecom节省
economy ecom经济
economy engineering经济性工学
economy in节约 (consumption, electricity, oil consumption, 消费、用电、石油消耗)
economy led by私人投资、社会公共投资、公共部门主导型经济 (private investment, social overhead capital investment, the public sector)
economy measure经济措施
economy of agglomeration合并经营的经济节约
economy of concentration集中经营的经济节约
economy of electrification电气化经济
economy of electrification电气化的经济效果
economy of fuel节约燃料
economy of growth增长的经济
economy of high wages高工资经济
economy of integration经济一体化
economy of integration综合经济
economy of large scale大规模经济
economy of large-scale industry大规模工业的经济节约
economy of large-scale industry大规模经营的经济节约
economy of large-scale production大规模生产的经济节约
economy of mass scale production大规模生产的经济节约
economy of multi-plant firm多车间企业的经济节约
economy of pusher grade生产成本高昂的经济
economy of scale大规模经营的经济
economy of scale因经营规模扩大而得到的经济节约
economy passenger国际航线上的二等旅客
economy passenger经济舱旅客
economy passenger三等旅客
economy run节油车赛
economy's dark continent经济黑暗的大陆 (指非洲)
economy’s dark continent经济的黑暗大陆指经济上未开发的非洲
economy's performance经济实绩
economy stagnation经济停滞
economy studies经济研究
economy study经济分析
economy survey经济调査
economy survey经济调查
economy system节约制度
economy test对经济效果的估计 (或评价)
effect of macro-economy宏观经济效果
effect of micro-economy微观经济效果
effect the greatest economy力求节约
effects of macro economy宏观经济效果
effects of micro economy微观经济效果
effects of socialist economy社会主义经济效果
enclave economy飞地式经济不发达国家中的一小块经济发达地区
engineering economy工程节约
environment economy环境经济
equilibrium of the world economy世界经济的均衡
exchange economy市场经济
expanding economy正在发展的经济
expanding economy发展中经济
expanding economy经济的发展
expanding economy model经济扩展模型
expansion of economy经济扩张
export-oriented economy外向型经济
extensive economy粗放经济
external economy外部经济节约
external economy正外部性
external economy外国经济
external economy外部经济效果
external economy industries外部经济产业部门
factor economy代理经济
family economy家庭经济
farm economy农业经济
feudal economy封建经济
foam economy泡沫经济
food economy食品经济
foundation of the national economy国民经济基础
free economy extreme form极度的自由经济
future economy未来经济
governed economy管制经济
government role in economy政府在整个经济中所占的地位
handicraft economy手工业经济
high consumption economy高消费经济
high-density economy and society高密度经济与社会
household economy家计
ideal of a natural economy自然经济思想
imbalance in the international economy国际经济失调
imbalance of economy经济失调
implement an open economy policy实行对外开放经济政策
increase production and practise economy增产节约
independent economy独立经济
individual exchange economy个人交换经济
individual peasant economy个体农民经济
individual private economy个体私营经济
individualistic economy个人主义经济
integrated development for regional economy地区经济综合开发
intensive economy集约经济
internal economy内在经济
internal economy内部规模经济
internal economy内部经济
international economy国际经济
International symposium on world economy国际世界经济讨论会
introductory lectures on political economy政治经济学入门
invigorate the entire economy国民经济全局活了
job economy职业经济
Junker's economy容克经济
key branches of the economy经济主要部门
key branches of the economy经济命脉
key points part of the economy经济命脉
knowledge-intensive economy知识密集型经济
labour economy劳工经济
laissez-faire economy自由竞争经济
land economy土地经济
liberalization of the economy经济自由化
liberalized economy自由化的经济
lifeline of the national economy国民经济命脉
linear economy线性经济
livelihood economy民生经济
livestock economy畜牧经济
lopsided and single-product economy畸型和单一经济
low income centrally planned economy低收入中央计划经济 (国家)
low-fossil-fuel economy低碳经济
low-income centrally planned economy低收入中央计划经济国家
low-income economy低收入国家简写为LIC
machine industry economy机械工业经济
main body of the national economy国民经济主体
major economy大国经济
managed economy管制经济
managerial economy管理经济
manorial economy庄园经济
manorial economy采地经济
market directed economy市场经济
market oriented economy市场主导型经济
market-directed economy市场管理经济
material composition for the development of the national economy国民经济实物构成
mathematical economy数理经济
mature economy thesis成熟经济论
maximum economy厉行节约
mechanism regulating the economy automatically自动调节经济的机制
metallic currency-base economy金属铸币经济
method of political economy政治经济学方法
militarize the economy使经济军事化
military economy战时经济
military economy军事经济
mixed economy国营和私营的混合经济
mixed economy综合经济
mixed economy混合经济制度
mixed enterprise economy混合企业经济
model of a national economy国民经济模型
model of an international economy国际经济模型
model of the economy经济模型
models of a national economy国民经济模型
monetization of economy货币关系的发展
narrative economy历史学派经济学
national economy本国经济
national economy国家经济
natural economy自给经济
natural economy自然经济 (物物交换)
network economy网络经济
new order of international economy国际经济新秩序
new political economy of development新开发政治经济学
no-government economy政府不加干涉的经济
non-cash economy非现金经济
non-farm economy非农业经济
non-monetary economy物物交换经济
non-monopoly economy自然经济
non-monopoly economy非货币经济
norm of technological economy技术经济定额
orthodox economy正统经济学
over-all balance of the national economy国民经济的综合平衡
overall targets of the national economy国民经济总量指标
overheated economy过度繁荣的经济
pain economy痛苦经济
peasant economy农民经济
period of barter economy实物交易时代
period of money and credit economy货币及信用经济时代
period of money economy货币经济时代
period of natural economy自然经济时代
period of natural economy实物经济时代
period of trade economy交易经济时代
peripheral part of economy经济的外围部分
petty bourgeois political economy小资产阶级政治经济学
philosophy of political economy政治经济的哲笋
planned economy as the key link计划经济为主
planned economy playing the leading role and market regulate on supplementary role市场调节为辅
planned economy playing the leading role and market regulate on supplementary role计划经济为主
planning economy计划经济
plan-oriented economy market计划经济市场
plan-oriented market economy system适应市场经济的计划体系
plantation economy种植场经济
plantation economy种植园经济
pleasure economy快乐经济
political economy政治经济学
political economy of inflation通货膨胀的政治经济学
politics and economy-the unity of opposites政治和经济是对立的统一
popular political economy通俗政治经济学
practice economy节约〔省〕
practice economy实行节约
practise economy节约
pricing economy价格制度
priming of economy经济刺激
priming of economy促进经济
primitive economy原始经济
princely economy君主经济
principle of economy经济原则
principle of political economy政治经济学原理
principles of political economy政治经济学原理
principles of political economy经济原理
private economy私有经济
private enterprise economy私人企业经济
private sector of economy私人经济
private sector of economy经济的私人部分
private sector of economy私有部门经济
private sector of economy私营经济部门
private sector of economy经济的私营部门
produce the greatest economy最经济
produce the greatest economy导致最大的节约
producing economy生产经济
profit economy利润经济
profitability of foreign trade for the national economy对外贸易的国民经济盈利性
proportionate and speedy development of the national economy国民经济按比例的高速发展
provincial economy地方经济
public economy财政
public sector of the economy公营经济
public-owned economy公有制经济
pure market economy市场经济
pure political economy纯政治经济学
pure political economy纯理经济学
quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets封顶
radical political economy政治经济学
radical political economy激进政治经济学
railway economy铁道经济
ratio between the main sectors of the economy主要经济比例关系
regional economy地区经济
regional economy地方经济
regional economy区域经济
rehabilitation of national economy国民经济的恢复
reinvigorate the economy搞活经济
research institute of economy经济研究所
restructure the economy改革经济体制
restructure the economy经济体制改革
review and assessment of principal factors affecting the world economy审查和评价影响世界经济的主要因素
revitalize the economy搞活经济
revitalize the economy重新活跃经济
role of profit in the economy利润在整个经济中所占的地位
royal economy皇室经济
Runaway inflation does much mischief to economy development恶性通货膨胀对经济发展造成巨大的损害
rural economy农业经济
scope and method of political economy政治经济学的对策与方法
sector of economy经济成分
sector of national economy国民经济部门
sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people社会主义全民所有制经济
seek economy力求节约
self-subsistence peasant economy自给自足的小农经济
self-sufficient natural economy自给自足的自然经济
semi-colonial economy半殖民地经济
seminatural economy半自给经济
shaping the world economy决定世界经济的进程
shaping the world economy改造世界经济
simple commodity economy单纯商品经济
single-crop economy单一农作物经济
slow down the investment and the development of national economy放慢投资和国民经济发展速度
slow up the investment and the development of national economy放慢投资和国民经济发展速度
sluggish economy增长速度缓慢的经济
small economy小经济
small peasant economy小农经济
small-scale peasant economy小农经济
social economy社会经济学
social economy社会经济
socialist economy社会主义经济
socialist sector of economy社会主义经济成份
socialized economy社会主义经济制度
softening of economy经济衰退
sphere of transport economy运输经济范围
stabilization of the economy经济稳定
stagnant economy萧条的经济
stagnant economy停滞的经济
state capitalist economy国家资本主义经济
state economy国家经济
state economy国家经济
state of economy经济情况
state-capitalist economy of a new type新式的国家资本主义经济
state-controlled economy国家控制的经济
stationary economy不变经济情况
subsistence economy自给自足经济
subsistence economy仅能生存的经济
subsistence economy自然经济
subsistence economy自给经济
subsystem of a national economy全国经济关系中的次级体系
surplus economy剩余经济
system of balance of the national economy国民经济平衡制度
system of balances of the national economy国民经济平衡制度
take-off of the economy经济起飞
tax economy租税经济
the agro-pastoral economy农牧经济
the alienation economy转让经济
the atomistic economy小经营者经济
the barter economy交换经济
the barter economy实物经济
the barter peculiar to seminatural economy半自然经济的物物交换
the cooperation economy合作经济
The decrease of petrol price has a marked influence on the economy of OPEC countries石油价格的下降对石油组织国家的经济造成了显著的影响
the dual economy二元经济
The economy declined during the last government in that country在该国上届政府期内,经济出现衰退
the enclave economy飞地式经济
the engineering economy study技术经济分析
the exponential growth of economy指数式的经济增长
the foundation of economy经济基础
The general situation of the world economy is favourable to us世界总的经济形势对我们有利
the household economy家计
the household economy家庭经济
the manor economy庄园经济
the mature economy成熟经济
the militarization of the national economy国民经济军事化
the monetization of economy经济货币化
the narrative economy历史学派经济学
the national system of political economy国民主义政治经济学
the nilgrowth economy无增长经济
the non-market economy非市场经济
the non-static economy动态经济
the non-static economy非静态经济
the oligopolistic economy寡头经济
the pastoral economy游牧经济
the peace time economy和平时期经济
The planned economy is a system where the government plans all business activity计划经济是政府对一切商业活动实行计划管理的体系
the principles of motion economy动作经济法则
The quick recovery of the economy after a slump is generally expected一般来说,人们预料衰退之后经济很快会恢复
the rehabilitation of national economy国民经济的恢复
the royal economy皇家经济
the secular disequilibrium in the development of national economy国民经济长期发展不平衡
the self-sufficiency economy自给自足经济
the semi-colonial economy半殖民地经济
the shadow economy地下经济
the sick economy病态经济
the softening of economy经济衰退
the state-owned economy as the leading factor国营经济为主导
the token economy代币经济
the totalitarian economy极权经济
the tradition-directed economy受传统支配的经济
the underdeveloped economy开发不足的经济
the unplanned economy无计划经济
the varied economy多种经济
the vigorous development of our national economy振兴我国经济
the vulgar economy庸俗经济学
the war-time economy战时经济
the wave-like advancement of the economy波浪式的经济发展
the workplace economy工场车间、作坊经济
the workshop economy工场经济
the workshop economy车间经济
theory of pluralist economy多元经济论
theory of political economy政治经济学
theory of socialist economy社会经济理论
They travelled economy class他们乘飞机的经济舱旅行
token economy代币经济
town economy城市经济
tradition-directed economy受传统指导的经济
true economy经济实况
unitary accounting system of national economy统一的国民经济计算体系
upturn in the economy经济好转
urban economy城市经济
varied economy多种经济
vulgar bourgeois political economy庸俗资产阶级政府经济学
vulgar economy庸俗经济学
vulgar economy庸俗经济
vulgar political economy庸俗政治经济学
workplace economy工厂车间、作坊经济
workshop economy工厂经济
workshop economy车间经济
workshop economy工场经济
world economic survey current trends in the world economy世界经济概览
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