
Terms containing economic of growth | all forms | in specified order only
fin.accelerate the transformation of economic growth pattern加快转变经济增长方式
China, polit.an appropriate rate of economic growth适当的经济增长速度
China, polit.an inefficient pattern of economic growth粗放型经济增长方式
busin.analysis of economic growth at sectoral level产业部门经济增长分析
busin.appropriate rate of economic growth适当经济增长率
fin.contribution of domestic demand to economic growth内需对经济增长的贡献率
busin.cost of economic growth经济增长代价
econ.disamenities of economic growth经济增长的消极结果
manag.economic of growth成长的经济
fin.improve the quality and performance of economic growth提高经济增长质量和效益
fin.improve the quality of economic growth提高经济增长质量
fin.key drivers of economic growth经济增长的主要推动力
econ.keynesian theory of economic growth凯恩斯派经济增长理论
econ.Keynesian theory of economic growth凯恩斯经济增长理论
fin.maintain a proper level of economic growth保持合理的增长速度
busin.model of economic growth经济增长模式
fin.momentum of economic growth经济增长势头
busin.multi-section of economic growth经济增长的多段理论
tech.new period of vigorous economic growth经济振兴时期
fin.new sources of economic growth新的经济增长点
securit.new sources of economic growth新经济增长点
fin.pace of economic growth经济增长速度
econ.pattern of US economic growth美国经济成长形态
textileprocess of economic growth经济增长过程
econ.process of economic growth经济增长的过程
econ.rate of economic growth经济增长率
fin.revival of global economic growth全球经济增长复苏
fin.seek economic growth rate and big size at the price of environment以牺牲环境的代价来换取高速增长、盲目铺摊子
econ.stage of economic growth经济成长阶段论
econ.stages of economic growth经济成长阶段论
textilestages of economic growth经济增长阶段
tech.stages of economic growth经济发展阶段
fin.strong resumption of balanced, global economic growth全球经济强劲恢复均衡增长
securit.tap new sources of economic growth培育新的经济增长点
econ.The country enjoyed a period of economic growth in the 1980s这个国家在20世纪80年代有过一段经济增长时期
econ.the stages of economic growth经济起飞论
econ.theory of economic growth经济增长论
tech.theory of economic growth经济成长论
fin.theory of economic growth stage经济发展阶段论
fin.theory of optimum economic growth最佳经济增长理论
tech.theory of the stages of economic growth经济成长阶段论
commer.transmission of economic growth经济增长传递
tech.transmission of economic growth经济的