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China Economic News中国经济新闻
Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement更紧密经贸关系协议
Council of Economic Advisors经济顾问委员会
country economic risk国家经济风险
country economic risk地方经济风险
economic adjustment经济调控
economic austerity program经济紧缩计划
economic conditions and stock fundamentals经济状况与股票基本面因素
economic constraints经济限制
economic construction bonds经济建设债券
economic cycle经济循
economic disturbance经济失调
economic downturn经济下降趋势
economic efficiency经济有效性
economic fundamentals基本经济因素
economic fundamentals经济资本状况
economic gap经济鸿沟
economic interest in shares股份经济权益
economic interest in shares股份中包含的经济权益
economic leverage贷款能力
economic profit经济收益
economic prospects经济前景
economic rationale经济动因
economic reality经济现实性
economic recovery经济恢复
economic reform经济体制改革
economic restructure经济转型
economic restructure经济重组
economic retrenchment policy经济紧缩政策
economic stagnation经济滞胀
Economic System Reconstruction Office经济体制改革办公室
economic trait经济特点
economic value added经济增值
economic value of a firm企业的经济价值
economic value viewpoint经济价值观点
economic value-added经济增值
effective economic interest实际经济权益
effective economic interest有效的经济权益
European Economic and Monetary Union欧洲经济及货币联盟
Federal of Economic Operation日本经济团体联合会
Federal of Economic Operation日经联团
financial and economic system财经制度
forces affecting economic life决定资产使用寿命的因素
Hang Seng Economic Monthly恒生经济月报
have tangled economic relations straightened out理顺经济关系
index of coincident economic indicator同步经济指标指数
lagging economic indicator滞后经济指标滞后于整体经济活动的经济或财务指标
leading economic indicator主要经济指标
Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排
Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement-Arrangements Relating to Qualifications of Securities and Futures Industry Practitioners内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排一一与证券与期货人员资格有关的安排
moderation in economic growth经济增长减速放缓
moderation in economic growth经济增长趋于平稳
new sources of economic growth新经济增长点
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development经济合作和开发组织
overall economic efficiency全部经济效益
short run economic disturbance短期经济失调
short-term indicator of economic condition短期经济状况指标
socio-economic infrastructure社会经济基础建设
tap new sources of economic growth培育新的经济增长点
trigger a new round of economic expansion诱发新一轮经济扩张
warning of economic trouble经济问题预警