
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing eccentricity | all forms | exact matches only
allowable eccentricity admissible eccentricity容许偏心
allowable value of eccentricity偏心容许值
bending-moment due to eccentricity偏心弯矩
boundary state of large eccentricity大偏心界限状态
boundary state of small eccentricity小偏心界限状态
coefficient of eccentricity magnification偏心距增大系数
compression bar with eccentricity偏心受压杆
compressive member with large eccentricity大偏心受压杆件
compressive member with small eccentricity小偏心受压杆件
distance of eccentricity偏心距离
distance of eccentricity偏心距
double eccentricity双偏心
eccentricity of applicating point of force着力点偏心
eccentricity of applied load作用荷载的偏心
eccentricity of axial compressive force in the direction of bending with respect to the gravity centre of average cross-section of member顺弯曲方向轴向压力对构件平均截面重心的偏心距
eccentricity of axial load轴向荷载的偏心
eccentricity of base of foundation基底偏心
eccentricity of compression force line压力线偏心距
eccentricity of foundation base基底偏心
eccentricity of load荷载的偏心
eccentricity of pressure line压力线偏心距
eccentricity of resultant合力偏心
eccentricity of resultant of downward forces向下力的合力的偏心距
eccentricity ratio偏心率
effect of eccentricity偏心的影响
excess eccentricity偏心过限
exess eccentricity超出偏心度
facto of increasing effect of flexure on eccentricity挠度对偏心距影响的增大系数
influence of eccentricity偏心的影响
large eccentricity大偏心
load eccentricity ratio荷载偏心比
magnitude of eccentricity偏心大小
minimum eccentricity最小偏心
rate of eccentricity偏心率
ratio of eccentricity of applied load to corresponding section dimension in the plane of eccentricity作用荷载的偏心对偏心平面中对应截面尺寸之比
relative eccentricity相对偏心距
relative eccentricity相对偏心
resultant eccentricity合力偏心
resultant eccentricity of base of foundation基底合力偏心
small eccentricity小偏心
tension bar with eccentricity偏心受拉杆