
Terms for subject United Nations containing east | all forms | exact matches only
Action Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the East Asian Seas保护和开发东亚海洋环境和沿海区行动计划
Agreement on Regional Cooperation in Combating Pollution of the South-East Pacific by Hydrocarbons and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency在紧急情况下进行区域合作抗治东南太平洋油类和其他有害物质污染协定
Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders亚洲和远东预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所
Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia东亚海洋协调机构
Ecological Management of Arid and Semi-Arid Rangelands in Africa, the Near East and Middle East非洲、近东、中东干旱和半干旱牧地生态管理方案
Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East superseded亚洲及远东经济委员会
Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in the Near East近东可持续森林管理的标准和指标专家会议
Intergovernmental Authority on Development in East Africa东非政府间发展管理局
Middle East Peace Process中东和平进程
Near East Network on Arid Land, Forest Restoration and Desertification Control近东旱地改造、森林再造和荒漠化防治网
North-East Asia Business Forum东北亚商业论坛
Plant Protection Agreement for the South East Asia and Pacific Region东南亚和太平洋区域植物保护协定
Programme of Action for Environmental Protection for Agriculture and Food Production in the Near East近东农业与粮食生产环境保护行动纲领
Regional Seas Trust Fund for the East African Region东非区域海洋信托基金
Regional Seminar on East/South-East Asian Growth Experience东亚和东南亚增长经验区域讨论会
Regional Trust Fund for the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the East Asian Seas执行保护和发展东亚海洋海洋环境和沿海地区行动计划区域信托基金
South-East Asian Subregional Experts Consultation on TCDC Training and Research in Agriculture Banking东南亚次区域关于技合农业信贷训练和研究的专家协商
Special meeting of Association of South-East Asian Nations leaders in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami东南亚国家联盟东盟领导人地震海啸灾后特别会议
Studies in East Asian Tectonics and Resources东亚大地构造和资源研究
Supplementary Protocol to the Agreement on Regional Cooperation in Combating Pollution of the South-East Pacific by Hydrocarbons and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency在紧急情况下进行区域合作抗治东南太平洋油类及其他有害物质污染的协定的补充议定书
Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处经费筹措问题工作组