
Terms for subject Biology containing east | all forms | exact matches only
alternaria leaf spot of east Indian lotus莲黑斑病 (Alternaria nelumbii (Ell. et Ev.)Enlow et Rand.)
East China walnut华东野核桃 (Juglans cathayensis var. formosana (Hayata) A. M. Lu et R. H. Chang)
East Indian arrow root狭叶姜黄 (Curcuma angustifolia Roxb.,姜科)
East Indian coral tree刺桐 (Erythrina indica Lam.,豆科)
East Indian lemongrass蜿蜒香茅 (Cymbopogon flexuosus Stapf.,禾本科)
East Indian lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.,睡莲科)
East Indian satin wood东印度椴木 (Chloroxylon swietenia DC.)
East Indian serpent-wood蛇根木 (Rauwolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz.,夹竹桃科)
East Indian serpent-wood美远志 (Polygala senega L.,远志科)
East Indian walnut阔叶合欢缅甸合欢,Albizzia lebbeck Benth.,豆科
rhizome rot of East Indian lotus莲腐败病 (Fusarium bulbigenum var. nelumbicolum Nisik. et Watana.)