
Terms for subject Technology containing east | all forms | exact matches only
arc east弧熔的
black East India东印度黑
black East India黑达玛 (树脂)
Downwarping zone of East China sea shelf中国东海陆架坳陷带
due east正东
due east向东方
East Africa coast current东非沿岸海流
East African bivalve province东非双壳类地理区
East African copal东非珂巴树脂
East African Meridian tectonic belt东非经向构造带
East African rift system东非裂谷系
East American brachiopod realm东美洲腕足动物地理区系
East Asian reflectional axis东亚镜像反映中轴 (带)
East Australia current东澳大利亚海流
East Australian realm东澳区系
east by north朝东偏北
east by north东偏北
east by south东偏南
east cardinal mark东方位标
east Caroline basin东加罗林海盆
east Caroline trough东加罗林海槽
East China Sea中国东海
East China Sea subsiding basin中国东海沉降海盆
east coast coal port东海岸煤港
east elevation东立面 (图)
east elongation东距角
east end教堂东端
east end东端
East European belemnite region东欧箭石地理大区
East European coral region东欧珊瑚地理大区
East European floral region东欧植物地理大区
East European plate东欧板块
East European platform transgression东欧地台海浸
East European ware东欧窑
East Gobi basin东戈壁盆地
East Greenland current东格陵兰海流
East Greenland marine trough东格陵兰海槽
East Indian gum东印度树胶
East Indian kino东印度吉纳树胶
East Indian laurel东印度月桂树
East Indian satinwood东印度椴木
east magnetic component东向磁力
east Manchuria old land东满古陆
east Mediterranean bivalve subprovince东地中海双壳类地理亚区
east Melanesian trench东美拉尼西亚海沟
east northeast北东东
east northeast东东北
east northeast东北东
east of Greenwich格林威治东
east orientation东向
east Pacific basin东太平洋海盆
east Pacific ocean东太平洋
east Pacific ocean basin block东太平洋海盆巨地块
east Pacific ridge东太平洋海岭
east Pacific rise东太平洋海隆
east sea area东部海域
east Siberian Sea东西伯利亚海
east southeast东南东
east southeast南东东
east southeast东东南
east-west asymmetry东西不对称 (性)
east-west component东西分量
east-west direction东西向
east-west effect东西效应
east-west level主水准器 (中星仪)
east-west line东西线
east-west structural zone东西构造带
east-west tectonic system东西构造系
east wind drift东风飘流
east window教堂东端主祭坛处之窗
Eastern East China Sea-Western Xinzhu depression region中国东海东部一新竹西部拗陷地带
equal-altitude method with east and west stars东西星等咼法
face east朝东
far east floral region远东植物地理大区
geothermal metallogenesis east pacific东太平洋地热金属成矿调查
intermittent uplifting area in East China中国东部间歇性隆升区【地】
island arc in East Asia东亚岛弧
Japan/East Africa route日本一东非航线
Japanese-east Asia bivalve subprovince日本一东亚双壳类地理亚区
Japan/Mediterranean east route日本一地中海东部航线
Japan/South America east area route日本一南美东海岸航线
level east盘东
longitude east东经
meteorologic service centre-east东风气象中心
meteorological service centre-east东风气象中心
ninety-east ridge东经九十度海岭
north by east北偏东
northeast by east东北偏东
South Asia and Far East cable南亚和远东电缆
south by east南偏东
south east trade drift东南信风海流
southeast by east东南偏东
studies of east asian tectonics and resources东亚构造和资源研究
submarine mineralization on the east pacific rise东太平洋洋隆海底成矿作用
United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and Far East联合国亚洲及远东经济委员会
upwarping zone of East China sea shelf margin东海陆架边缘隆起带
Western East China Sea depression region东海西部拗陷地带