
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing east | all forms | exact matches only
Agricultural Technology Transfer Fund of Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa加强中非和东非农业研究协会农业技术转让基金
Asia and the Far East Regional Office联合国粮农组织亚洲和远东区域办公室
East African short horned东非短角牛
East African shorthorn zebu东非瘤牛
East African shorthorn zebu东非短角瘤牛
East African sleeping sickness罗得西亚锥虫病
East African sleeping sickness东非昏睡病
East African swine fever东非猪瘟
East African trypanosomiasis东非锥虫病
East African Trypanosomiasis Research Organisation东非锥虫病研究组织肯尼亚
East African Trypanosomiasis Research Organization东非锥虫病研究组织肯尼亚
East African zebu东非瘤牛
East African zebu东非短角瘤牛
East Asian monsoon东亚季风
East Chinese hare短耳兔 (Lepus sinensis)
East Coast fever小泰勒焦虫病病原:小泰勒焦虫Theileria parva East Friesan东弗利逊羊(是德国的地方品种)
East Coast fever东岸热
East Friesian东弗里生马 (horse breed, 乘挽兼用、德国)
east-Liaoning oak辽东柞饲养柞蚕的柞树种之一; Quercus Liaotungensis Koial
East Prussian东普鲁士马 (horse breed, 乘挽兼用、德国)
Far East Russian encephalitis原苏联远东春夏型脑炎
Small East African Zebu东非小瘤牛
South South-east南东南