
Terms for subject Business containing duty | all forms | exact matches only
account duty遗产清算税
act against duty违反义务行为
ad valorem and specific duty从价从量税
ad valorem duty从价税即按商品价格的一定百分比率课税
additional duty附加税
administrative duty管理职责
agricultural duty农业税
alcohol duty酒税
alternative duty选择关税指对某种进口商品可选择从价税率或从量税率征收关税
ambiguity of power and duty权责不明
anti-dumping duty反倾销税
appreciation duty增值税
assignment of duty职务任命
autonomous customs duty自主关税
autonomous duty自主税则
autonomous duty自主税则指完全由进口国自行制订的税则,以别于协定关税税则
back duty未缴税款
bank note duty银行券发行税
be exempt from custom duty免征关税
beer duty啤酒税
binding of duty rate税率约束
binding of duty treatment关税待遇约束
binding of duty treatment对关税免税待遇的约束指不得将免税商品改为纳税商品
bound rate of duty约束税率
breach of duty违反规定义务
capacity for duty承担义务能力
capital duty股票印花税
capital duty资本税
capital duty印花税
certificate of export duty exemption出口免税证书
C.I.F. duty paid到岸价加关税价即成本、保险费、运费和进口关税价
coefficient duty系数税
commodity exhibition duty商展税
commodity export duty and tax商品出口关税及其他税项
commodity import duty商品进口税
compensation duty补偿关税对有补贴的进口货物,课以额外关税,使其失去价格优势,以保护本国产品
compensatory duty对进口商品所征补偿性关税
competent to exercise right and perform duty行使权力、履行义务的能力
composition for stamp duty综合印花税
compound duty混合税指对一商品同时以从量和从价两种方式征税
compound duty复合税
conditional duty-free importation有条件免税进口
conditional duty free importation有条件免税进口
conditionally duty free importation有条件地免税进口
constant duty固定税
contingency duty应变税
contingent duty对不同国家同一进口商品采用不同种类关税的可变关税
contingent duty对进口商品抵销关税
conventional custom duty传统关税
corporation duty公司税
corresponding duty对应义务
cost, insurance, freight duty paid到岸价加关税价成本、保险费、运费加关税价
counter vailing duty抵消税
countervailing duty反倾销进口税
custom duty关税
deductions and exemption of customs duty关税减免
deferred duty递延税款
delivered duty paid纳税后交货
deposit of customs duty预交关税
deposit of customs duty关税保证金
detached from duty出差
detached from duty暂调离
disability in line of duty因公致残
discharge a duty履行义务
discharge of duty履行职责
discrimination duty差别关税
discrimination duty歧视性关税
distribution of duty分摊税款
distribution of duty税款分摊
dodge a duty避税
dodge a duty推脱责任
drawback and recovery of customs duty关税退补
duty actually paid实纳税款
duty ad valorem从价税
duty adjustment应退补税款
duty and quota free免税和不受限额限制
duty and quota free免税无限额
duty assessment征税价格
duty assessment估计征税
duty bound to pay taxes纳税义务
duty deposit税收押金
duty drawback退还进口税退税
duty for sound goods完好货物税
duty free免税 (to exempt from taxes)
duty free allowance免税限额
duty-free article免税物品
duty free article免税物品
duty-free cargo免税物品
duty-free certificate免税证
duty-free entry免税进口
duty-free exports免税出口货品
duty-free goods免税物品
duty free goods免税货物
duty-free import免税进口
duty-free shop免税商店
duty-free slip免税单
duty-free-paid proof完税凭证
duty memo纳税证
duty memo No.税单编号
duty memorandum纳税证
duty not paid未经完税
duty of abstention不作为的义务
duty of care监护责任
duty of care保管责任
duty of care谨慎的职责
duty of contribution捐助义务
duty of fulfillment清偿义务
duty of support支援义务
duty on imported goods进口商品税
duty over-charged多征税款
duty paid certificate完税证
duty paid certificate收税凭单
duty paid receipt纳税收据
duty paid terms完税条件
duty paid terms纳税条件
duty-paid value税后价格
duty-paid value完税价值
duty quota关税限额
duty roster值日表
duty sheet税款登记表
duty suspension暂缓纳税
duty to pay taxes纳税义务
duty unpaid关税耒付
educational duty培育税
effective duty rate on imports进口货物实际税率
enter duty-free免税进口
equivalent duty等量税
estate duty房地产税
evidence of payment of duty完税证据
ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty unpaid税后买方关栈交货价
ex dock duty unpaid未完税码头交货价
ex pier duty unpaid未完税码头交货价
ex quay duty paid税后码头交货价
excessive-profits duty超额利润税
exchange supplementary duty外汇附加税
excise duty营业税
excise duty国产货物税
excluding duty免税
excuse the duty免责
excuse the duty免职
excuse the duty免税
execution of duty履行职责
exempt from customs duty免征关税
exemption from customs duty免征关税
exemption of duty免税
export duty and taxation出口税
export duty free出口免税
export duty-paid certificate国货出口正税单
export duty proof出口完税凭证
extra duty额外税
fail in one's duty失职
failure in duty缺勤
fiduciary duty受托人责任
fine twice duty罚完加倍税
fined three times full duty payable on difference short-declared按少报数量罚缴应完正税三倍
flexible duty伸缩性关税
flexible duty伸缩关税
foreign duty allowance国外职务津贴
foreign duty pay国外职务津贴
foreign duty pay国外工作津贴
fulfill a duty尽职
general preferential duty普通优惠
general preferential duty system普通优惠税制
harsh duty苛捐杂税
heavy-duty electrical machinery重型电机
heavy-duty machinery重型机器
high-duty alloys高硬度合金
high-duty metal优质金属
holiday duty allowance节日值班津贴
imperative duty强制税
import and export duty and tax进出口关税和其他税项
import duty memo进口税备忘录
import duty risk货物进口税险
impose a duty on goods对货物征税
imposition of duty关税的征收
in course of duty因公
indirect duty间接税
inescapable duty逃避不了的责任
inheritance duty遗产税
inland custom duty国内关税
internal revenue duty国内税
international legal duty国际法定义务
international transit duty国际过境税
international transport duty国际运输税
item of duty税目
journey on duty出公差
landed duty起岸税
lay duty抽税
lay duty课税
lay duty on import对进口货课税
legacy dutytax遗产税
legal duty法律义务
legal duty法定税收
levy customs duty征收关税
levy customs duty upon对…征收关税
levy excise duty征执照税
levy excise duty征收国内货物税
levy excise duty upon对…征收消费税
liable to customs duty应交纳关税
liable to duty应纳税
licence duty牌照税
line of duty值勤
line of duty公务
local duty国内税
luxury duty奢侈品关税
matching duty抵消税
moral duty道德责任
negligent of one's duty玩忽职守
negligent of one's duty玩忽职守
night duty allowance夜班补助津贴
night duty fee夜班费
obligatory duty payer纳税义务人
off duty备用
off duty不值班
off duty未运行
officer on duty借班公务员职员
official valuation duty官方估价税
oil duty石油进口税
part-time duty personnel兼职人员
pay customs duty according to the regulation照章缴纳关税
pay duty交付税款
payment of the duty纳税
post duty system岗位责任制
price at duty paid已付关税价
price at duty paid已纳税价格
price duty paid完税价格
price duty paid已完税价格
primage duty进口补贴税指某些国家为增补财政收入,对某些进口货物征收进口补贴税
primage duty输入附加关税
primage duty进口附加关税
prohibitive duty抑制性进口关税
prohibitive duty寓禁关税以高税率阻止某商品进口
release from duty免除义务
release from duty免税
removal permit of duty-paid goods已纳税货物准运证
reparation duty赔偿责任
retaliatory duty报复性关税
revenue duty收入税
revenue duty关税财政收入
rule imposing duty设定义务规则
scope of official duty职责范围
seasonal duty季节性关税系保护性关税的一种
short-time duty短期责任
short-time duty短期任务
specific duty从量税指以商品重量、数量、长度、面积为标准征税
spirits duty酒税
standard duty标准工作制度
stand-by duty辅助工作
starting duty起始工作
statutory duty法定义务
statutory rate of duty法定税率
sugar duty糖税
suspension from duty停职
television duty电视税
temporary duty临时工
temporary duty机动关税
temporary duty certificate临时完税证书
temporary estate duty暂定遗产税
tour of duty出差
tour of duty值班
transfer duty转移税指对证券转让所征的税,但金边证券和新发行证券除外
transfer duty股票等过户税
type of duty负载类型
type of duty税型
unauthorized departure from official duty擅离职守
undervaluation duty低估税指对故意报低价格而征收的关税
undischarged duty未缴关税
uniform rate of import duty统一进口税率
uninterrupted duty连续工作
unlimited duty-free storage无限制免税仓库
unrestricted and duty-free access to the market无限制及免税进入市场
variable intermittent duty易变断续任务
varying duty各种不同的任务
waive duty免除税款
zero-duty binding免税待遇冻结
zero-duty binding免税待遇的冻结指某些免税商品不再改为完税商品
zero rates of duty零税率