
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing during | all forms | exact matches only
amount of shrinking during solidification凝固收缩量
arrest point at which austenite begins to transform to ferrite during cooling冷却时奥氏体铁素体转变幵始点
arrest point at which delta ferrite transforms to austenite during cooling冷却时δ各铁素体奥氏体转变点
arrest point at which the transformation of austenite to ferrite or to ferrite plus cementite is completed during cooling冷却时奥氏体铁素体转变完成点
behaviour during reduction还原性状
breakdown during reduction还原粉化
breakdown during reduction【团】 还原碎裂
breakdown during reduction还原碎裂
breakout during continuous casting【连】 铸中漏钢
breakout during start of casting开浇漏钢
carbon pick-up during casting连铸增碳
carbon pick-up during continuous casting连铸增碳
cast-rolling during solidification凝固期间铸轧
control of oscillation mark formation during continuous casting连续铸钢振痕形成控制
covering tuyere during splash溅渣时炉渣覆盖炉底喷嘴 (The problem of covering the tuyere during splash has been solved with increased gas pressures and flows. 溅渣时炉渣覆盖炉底喷嘴的问题已通过提高喷气压力和流量得以解决。)
decarbonization during steelmaking炼钢脱碳 (【技】炼钢时钢水中的碳与氧化合生成 CO 而被脱除的物理化学过程。钢中的含碳量通常在1%以下,而生铁的含碳量通常为 3. 5% ~4.5%。因此,在炼钢的过程中必须进行脱碳。脱碳不仅是为了降低含碳量,脱碳反应生成的 CO 气泡,在析出时强烈地搅拌熔池,使钢中气体和钢中非金属夹杂物随上浮的气泡去除掉、使钢水成分和温度均匀化、增加气-渣-钢之间的接触面积、加快反应速率、缩短冶炼时间、提高生产效率。)
decoupling of shell from mold during negative strip负滑脱期间坯壳与结晶器的脱离
desulphurization during steelmaking炼钢脱硫反应 (【技】在炼钢以及钢液炉外精炼过程中脱除有害杂质硫的物理化学反应。)
during reline outage【铁】在大修停炉期间
exotherm during wire drawing拉丝发热
grade change operation during continuous casting连铸变钢种操作
grade change process during continuous casting连铸变钢种过程
growth during sintering烧结时的生长
heat liberation during steel solidification钢水凝固放热
heating up speed during preheat stage预热段升温速度
heating-up speed during preheat stage预热期升温速度
induction period during creep蠕变中的孕育期
inspection during construction施工中检查
inspection during manufacture制造中检查
intercrystalline failure during creep蠕变时沿晶界断裂
interest during construction建设期利息
lubrication during drawing拉拔时的润滑
material balance during steelmaking炼钢过程中的物料平衡 (【技】对炼钢过程中的物料收人和支出的关系进行研究,并把这种关系编制成方程式、图或表的一项炼钢技术研究工作。研究炼钢过程物料平衡的目的是:①控制好炼钢过程中的熔池温度,炼出合格的钢水。②全面掌握炼钢设备的物料利用情况,了解炼钢设备的工作能力,从而改进炼钢工艺、实现优化操作。③为降低原料消耗、合理利用资源提供研究方向。)
mathematical model of heat transfer during solidification of strand连铸坯凝固传热数学模型
molten steel during refining精炼期钢水
Ms the temperature at which transformation of austenite to martenite starts during cooling冷却时奥氏体马氏体转变幵始点
negative strip ratio during sinusoidal oscillation正弦振动负滑脱率
plume during gas injection喷气气泡柱状区
process variable during oxygen blow吹氧期间的过程变量
sinter resistance to breakdown during handling烧结矿转运抗碎强度
slab crack by rapid cooling during continuous casting速冷连铸板坯裂纹
slab width variation during sequence casting多炉连浇时的板坯调宽
slag formation process during steelmaking炼钢成渣过程 (【技】炼钢过程中,在向炼钢炉内加人金属料的同时,加人造渣剂(石灰、石灰石、铁矶土、萤石、铁矿石和砂子等),当炉料逐渐熔化,金属中的杂质元素 (Si、 S、 P 等)和铁元素氧化后生成氧化物,石灰等造渣剂便开始溶解于这些氧化物而生成初期渣。随着金属料中大量杂质元素的氧化,石灰等溶解于氧化物的量也激增,此时熔渣的成分处在不断变化之中。到吹炼后期, C-O 反应减弱, FeO 有所提高。)
slag formation process during steelmaking炼钢造渣过程
solidification shrinkage during ending尾浇凝固收缩
temperature drop during argon bubbling吹氩钢水温降
temperature drop during operating process钢水操作过程温降
temperature drop during tapping出钢温降
temperature reduction during argon injection吹氩钢水温降
temperature reduction during tapping出钢温降
vacancies migration during creep蠕变过程中空位迁移
vacancy migration during creep【金】 蠕变期间空位迁移
vacuum degassing method during tapping出钢真空脱气法
visibility conditions during the tap出钢时环境 (With the infra-red slag detection system all furnace operators are able to detect slag in steel stream at tap in a precise way, independent of their skill level or visibility conditions during the tap. 使用红外测渣系统时,所有的炉前工,不论其技术水平高低或出钢时环境能见度状况优劣,都能精确地对出钢钢流裹渣进行测定。)