
Terms containing dump | all forms | exact matches only
tech.abnormal dump异常转储
tech.ac dump掉电
tech.aerial dump空中卸料 (架空索道起重机斗)
ecol.aerial dump空中卸料
tech.air-dump car气动翻卸车
tech.air-dump car风动翻卸车
tech.air-dump car风动自卸车
tech.air-dump car气动自卸车
shipb.air dump car气动倾卸车
tech.air over board dump mask舱外排气面罩
tech.air-operated dump car风动自卸车
tech.all-wheel dump car全轮自卸汽车
tech.alternating current dump交流断电
tech.alternating current dump交流清除
avia.alternation current dump交流电切断
tech.ammunition dumps弹药弃沉区
tech.angle of dump倾卸角
tech.articulated dump truck有铰接的翻斗车
tech.articulated dump truck铰接翻斗车
tech.ash dump灰堆
tech.ash dump除灰翻斗
tech.ash dump卸灰口
tech.automatic dump truck自动卸货车
tech.automatic dump truck自动倾卸卡车
tech.automatic dump truck自卸货车
tech.automatic dump truck自卸式载重卡车
tech.automatic overboard-dump system for light mixture稀泥浆自动排出船外装置【疏】
tech.automatic side-dump muck car自动侧倾出渣车
tech.bailer dump捞砂筒倒砂门
tech.beam dump束流收集器
tech.beam-dump magnet泄束磁铁
tech.belly-dump semi-trailer底部倾卸的半挂车
tech.belly-dump wagon底部倾卸的运输车
tech.binary dump programme二进制转储程序
avia.bomb dump炸弹堆集所 (通常是个露天场所,用以堆集随时可供使用的炸弹)
tech.bomb dump野战炸弹库
tech.bomb dump炸弹储[贮]藏处
tech.bottom-dump barge开底泥驳
tech.bottom-dump barge底部倾卸的平底船
tech.bottom-dump bucket底卸料斗
tech.bottom-dump bucket活底铲斗
tech.bottom dump bucket底卸式铲斗
tech.bottom dump bucket活底料斗
tech.bottom-dump bucket底部卸料斗
tech.bottom-dump bucket底卸式铲斗
tech.bottom-dump bucket底卸式料斗
tech.bottom-dump bucket活底卸料斗
tech.bottom-dump car底卸车
tech.bottom-dump car底部卸料车
tech.bottom-dump car活底车
tech.bottom-dump concrete bucket底卸混凝土罐
tech.bottom-dump door底卸门
tech.bottom-dump hauler活底自动卸车
tech.bottom-dump hauler底卸式拖运机
tech.bottom-dump hauler底卸拖运车
tech.bottom-dump hauler底卸式运输车
tech.bottom-dump haulier活底自动卸车
tech.bottom-dump haulier底卸拖运车
tech.bottom-dump haulier底卸式拖运机
tech.bottom-dump haulier底卸式运输车
tech.bottom-dump hauling and spreading trailer底部拖运和洒布挂车
tech.bottom-dump scow开底泥驳
tech.bottom-dump scow底部倾卸的平底船
tech.bottom-dump semitrailer底卸式半挂车
tech.bottom-dump semitrailer底部倾卸的半挂车
tech.bottom-dump skip底卸式箕斗
tech.bottom-dump tipper底部可拆开的自卸卡车
tech.bottom-dump tractor-trailer底卸拖拉机拖车
tech.bottom-dump truck底卸式自卸卡
tech.bottom-dump truck底卸卡车
tech.bottom-dump truck开底车
tech.bottom-dump truck底部卸料车
tech.bottom-dump truck底卸车
tech.bottom-dump truck底卸式运货汽车
tech.bottom-dump unit底部倾卸装置
tech.bottom-dump wagon活底卸料车
tech.bottom-dump wagon底卸车
tech.bottom-dump wagon活底料车
tech.bottom-dump wagon底部卸料车
tech.box type truck wheel dump wagon翻斗车
tech.box-body dump car倾卸箱车
tech.box-body dump car侧卸箱车
tech.bucket dump stop铲斗倾斜停止件
tech.bucket with side dump侧倾式铲斗
tech.buried dump填入土
tech.buried dump填土场
nautic., tech.by-pass steam dump旁路排气
avia.cabin emergency dump valve座舱应急卸压活门
tech.cable-dump truck钢索自卸卡车
tech.calcination in dumps堆垒煅烧
tech.can dump脱冰机
tech.can dump倒冰架
tech.car dump停车场
tech.car dump翻车卸载装置
tech.car dump车库
tech.car dump卸货车
tech.cement dump水泥垛
tech.cement dump水泥罐
tech.cement dump水泥抽筒
tech.cement dump水泥堆
tech.cement dump卸水泥机
tech.center dump car底部卸料车
tech.center dump trailer底部卸料拖车
tech.change dump信息改变区转储
tech.change dump信息更换
tech.checkpoint dump检验点清除
tech.checkpoint dump检验点信息转储
ecol.chemical dump化学废料
tech.cinder dump煤灰堆场
tech.clamshell type dump bucket抓斗式料桶
tech.coal dump煤堆
gen.coal dump卸煤门
tech.combination dump and platform body平台
tech.conditional dump条件转储
tech.conventional dump track普通自卸汽车
tech.core dump主存储器信息转储
tech.core dump存取器清除
tech.core dump磁头信息转储
tech.core dump磁芯信息转储
tech.core dump内存转储
tech.core dump memory clear存储器清除
tech.core image dump内存映象转储
tech.cradle dump翻笼
consult.crawler loader, two side dump bucket电动两侧卸履带式装裁机
tech.data dump数据转储
tech.data dump数据转换
tech.debris dump废渣堆
tech.debris dump尾矿堆
tech.debris dump岩屑堆
tech.debris dump垃圾堆
tech.detrital dump岩屑堆
met.difficult-to-dump material难处理物料
tech.disaster dump大错转储[贮]
tech.disaster dump大错转储
tech.disaster dump故障转储
multimed.disaster dump灾害转储
tech.disaster dump事故性转储
tech.disaster dump事故性转储
tech.disaster dump灾难性转储[贮]
tech.disposal dump垃圾倾倒处
tech.drum dump磁鼓信息印出
tech.dump area倾倒场
tech.dump area倾倒区域
tech.dump bucket装载戽斗
tech.dump bucket倾倒式加料桶
tech.dump bucket
tech.dump check转储[贮]校验 (内存信息)
avia.dump combustor突张式燃烧器
avia.dump diffuser突扩扩压器
avia.dump door快卸舱门
nautic., tech.dump door泥门
avia.dump door倾卸门
nautic., tech.dump door closing system泥门启闭装置
shipb.dump door renovate泥舱门整修
avia.dump gap转储差距
tech.dump grate翻转炉排
tech.dump grate倾卸炉箅
tech.dump grate卸灰炉排
gen.dump M into the lap of把 M 硬塞给 N (N)
CNCdump oil桶装油
gen.dump M onto把M倒〔卸〕到N上 (N)
ecol.dump pit垃圾坑
avia.dump plane应急放油飞机
avia.dump plane空降物资飞机
avia.dump-plane injection应急放油飞机注入
tech.dump plate卸渣炉排
avia.dump plenum转储充气
tech.dump position垃圾倾倒场
tech.dump position倾料场
tech.dump pump排,回油泵
ecol.dump pump抽吸泵
mil.dump ram倾卸〔翻斗〕油缸
gen.dump sign路峰部警告标志
securit.dump stock狂甩股票
gen.dump target束流捕集靶
bowl.dump the ball抛球
tech.dump tower堆料塔
tech.dump tower灌注塔
tech.dump tower装卸塔
tech.dump tower卸料塔
tech.dump tower浇筑塔
tech.dump tower of concrete混凝土灌注塔
refrig.dump trap liquid return液体回收
outd.dump truck后骑定车
ecol.dump truck倾斜式卡车
avia.dump valve排泄活门
avia.dump valve应急放油阀
tech.dump wagon自卸拖车
tech.dump wagon倾卸货车
tech.dump wagon底卸卡车
tech.dump wagon后翻斗式自卸车
tech.dynamic dump动态打印
tech.dynamic information dump动态信息转储
tech.dynamic information dump动态信息转储[贮]
tech.edit dump编辑转储
tech.electrostatic dump静电打印
tech.emergency dump steam事故排汽
tech.emergency load dump事故甩负荷
tech.end dump尾卸的
tech.end dump body尾卸式车身
tech.end dump body后倾卸车身
tech.end dump car端卸式矿车
tech.end dump car尾卸式卡
tech.end dump car尾部卸料车
tech.end dump car后卸车
tech.end-dump truck自卸卡车
tech.end-dump truck后倾自卸车
tech.end-dump truck后卸式卡车
tech.end-dump truck尾卸式汽车
tech.ensilage dump blower强力鼓风机
tech.error dump误差清除
tech.error dump检错转储[贮]
tech.external dump外部排土场
tech.forward dump前卸式料车
tech.front dump前卸
tech.front-dump closure立堵截流
tech.front-dump lorry前倾翻斗车
tech.front-dump lorry前卸推料车
tech.front-dump scraper前卸式耙斗
tech.front-dump truck前倾翻斗车
tech.front-dump truck前卸推料车
tech.front dump-type ingot buggy端卸式送锭车
tech.garbage dump垃圾填土
tech.garbage dump厨房垃圾堆
tech.garbage dump垃圾倾弃地
tech.gas dump汽油仓库
tech.gas dump汽油堆栈
tech.gasoline dump汽油堆场
tech.gasoline dump汽油堆栈
tech.gasoline tank dump valve汽油箱放泄阀
tech.gravity dump body自重倾卸车身
tech.gravity dump body重力卸料车
tech.gravity dump body重力倾卸车身
tech.gravity dump body自卸车身
tech.heaper dump leaching堆浸
tech.heat dump吸热器
tech.heavy dump truck重型倾卸式货车
tech.high dump box高倾卸式车厢
tech.high dump wagon高位倾卸拖车
tech.high-speed dump快速转储
nautic., tech.hopper dump barge开底泥驳
tech.horizontally dump truck侧面式倾卸车
tech.horizontally dump truck横式倾卸车
tech.hydraulic dump水力排土场
tech.hydraulic dump rake液力横向搂草机
tech.hydraulic dump truck液力自动倾卸车
tech.hydraulic semi-dump trailer液压半倾倒式拖车
tech.hydraulically operated rear-dump truck液压操纵后卸货车
refrig.ice dump table倒冰台
tech.in bay dump海湾抛泥
tech.increment dump增量转储
tech.indicative dump简易转储
ecol.indiscriminate dump任意倾倒垃圾
environ.industrial dumping The disposal of any waste generated by a manufacturing or processing process by the agency or body which produced it工业倾销废品, 经销商或生产商在制造或处理程序中对所产生任何废弃物的处置。
tech.inner dump内部排土场
comp.input/output dump program输入-输出清除程序
gen.It usually goes to the dump一般就倒掉了
tech.kickback dump倒车翻车器
tech.kickback dump逆转翻笼
tech.kickback dump端转翻笼
tech.latch-jack dump bailer带铰链弹簧挡销的灌注抽筒
tech.lift dump升力卸减
tech.load haul dump装运卸砟联合机
tech.load haul-dump unit装运机
tech.loading by load-haul-dump equipment装运卸设备装岩
tech.log dump集材场
tech.log dump木场
tech.loose rock dump堆石 (体)
tech.loose rock dump抛石
tech.lorry dump piler自行散料抛掷码垛机
tech.lorry dump piler倾倒堆垛车
tech.low-speed dump低速转储
tech.manuse dump粪堆
tech.mass storage dump program大容量存储[贮]器转储[贮]程序
tech.mass storage dump programme大容量存储[贮]器转储[贮]程序
tech.massive dump大量信息转储
tech.maximum dump clearance最大卸载高度
tech.memory contents dump存储内容转储
tech.memory dump存储器清除
tech.memory dump存储器清除打印
tech.memory dump清除打印
tech.memory dump信息转储
tech.memory dump routine存储转储程序
tech.memory dump routine存储转储例行程序
tech.mine dump排矸场
tech.mine dump废石场
tech.mine dump矿山矸石堆
tech.mine dump矸石场
tech.mine dump矿山排土场
soil.mine dump矿渣
tech.mine dump/old working废矿堆/旧工程
tech.mine dump tip废渣堆
tech.mine dumps矿渣废料堆成地
tech.monitor control dump监察控制转储
tech.monitor control dump监督程序控制转储
tech.multiple dump processing多重转储处理
environ.municipal dumping Place where a town's refuse is disposed of after it has been collected市政垃圾倾倒场 (一个城市处理垃圾的地方。)
tech.narrow flat dump car窄平底自动倾覆车
tech.narrow-gage dump car窄轨倾斜车
tech.narrow-gage dump car窄轨废料车
tech.narrow-gage flat dump car窄轨平板自卸车
tech.narrow-gauge dump car窄轨倾斜车
tech.narrow-gauge dump car窄轨废料车
tech.narrow-gauge flat dump car窄轨平板自卸车
environ.ocean dumping The process by which pollutants, including sewage, industrial waste, consumer waste, and agricultural and urban runoff are discharged into the world's oceans. These pollutants arise from a myriad of sources海洋倾倒 (海洋排放过程,其中的污染物,包括污水、工业废物、生活垃圾、农业和城市径流排入世界各大洋。这些污染物的来源无数。)
tech.off-highway end dump truck越野后卸汽车
tech.one-side dump box car单侧倾卸车
tech.open burning dump露天燃烧垃圾堆
tech.open dump露天废物堆场
tech.open dump body敞口翻斗车身
tech.open dump body敞倾车身
tech.open storage dump露天储库
tech.open-top side-dump concrete hauling unit顶开侧卸混凝土运输设备
tech.ore-dump sampling矿石堆采样
avia.overpressure relief valve with dump function〔客〕具有泄漏功能的超压释放阀
tech.partial dump部分转储
tech.partial dump局部转储
tech.petrol dump汽油库
tech.power dump rake机力横向搂草机
avia.pressurizing and dump valve增压与应急放油阀门
tech.priority error dump优先错误转储
tech.program error dump程序错误转储
tech.programme error dump程序错误转储
tech.programmed dump程序控制转储
securit.pump and dump拉高出货股票推销商通过网络使鲜为人知的股票价格膨胀起来,当股价达到高点时,趁机抛光手中所有的股票
avia.quick dump快速应急放油
environ.radioactive dumping Waste generated by the emission of particulate or electromagnetic radiation resulting from the decay of the nuclei of unstable elements放射性废弃物 (由不稳定的原子核衰变导致的微粒或电磁辐射放射产生的废弃物。)
tech.rainfall dump box machine百叶窗式翻斗壳型机
tech.raker dump car斜撑自卸车
tech.ramped dump barge开底垃圾驳
tech.rear dumptruck后卸式卡车
tech.rear-dump body后翻倾车厢
tech.rear-dump ing truck式卡车
tech.rear-dump lorry后翻斗自卸车
tech.rear-dump lorry后卸车
tech.rear-dump lorry后倾卸自卸车
tech.rear-dump off-road hauler后翻斗越野运输机
tech.rear-dump off-road hauler后翻斗越野承运者
tech.rear-dump rocker装运石块的后翻斗卡车
tech.rear-dump semi-trailer后翻斗半挂车
tech.rear-dump tipper后卸式车
tech.rear-dump trailer后卸式拖车
tech.rear-dump truck后翻斗式自卸汽车
tech.rear-dump truck尾卸式自卸
tech.rear-dump truck翻斗式自卸汽车
tech.rear-dump truck后卸式卡车后卸式货车
tech.rear-dump truck后翻斗式自卸卡车
tech.rear-dump wagon翻斗式自卸汽车
tech.rear-dump wagon后卸货车
tech.rear-dump wagon尾卸式自卸
tech.rear-dump wagon后卸
tech.rear-dump wagon倾卸货车
tech.rear-dump wagon后卸卡车
tech.refuse dump废料堆
tech.refuse dump垃圾倾弃地
tech.refuse dump seepage垃圾堆渗出液
tech.rescue dump重入点信息转储
tech.revolving dump car翻转卸载矿车
tech.revolving dump car旋转卸料车
tech.rocker-dump car翻斗矿车
tech.rocker-dump car摇动卸料车
tech.rocker-dump hand-cart带有翻斗的混凝土手推车
tech.rocker-dump hand-cart双轮手推翻斗车
tech.rocker side dump car翻斗矿车
tech.rocker side dump car侧卸式翻斗车
tech.roll-over dump翻斗撒砂
tech.rotary dump car翻转式卸矿车
tech.rotary dump car旋转式翻卸矿车
tech.rubbish dump垃圾卸下
tech.rubbish dump废料倒卸
desert.rubbish dump碎石堆
tech.rubbish dump垃圾倒卸
tech.rubbish dump废料卸下
ecol.rubbish dump垃圾堆
tech.sand dump砂堆
tech.sand dump砂场
tech.scoop side-dump car侧卸式斗车
multimed.screen dump屏幕转存
tech.security dump安全卸出
tech.security dump安全转储 (程序)
tech.selection dump选择性转储[贮]
tech.self-propelled bottom dump barge自航开底泥驳
tech.self-propelled bottom dump barger自航开底泥驳
tech.self-propelled dump rake自走式横向搂草机
consult.self-propelled split dump barge自航对开泥驳
tech.semi-trailer dump wagon半挂式翻斗车
tech.shuttle dump truck往复式自卸车
tech.side dump侧卸式
tech.side-dump ballast car侧倾石渣车
tech.side-dump ballast wagon侧倾石渣车
tech.side dump bucket侧斜翻斗
tech.side-dump car侧卸式矿车
tech.side-dump discharge侧卸
tech.side-dump lorry侧向倾卸货车
tech.side-dump mine car倾卸矿山车
tech.side-dump scow倾卸甲板驳
tech.side-dump semi-trailer侧卸半挂车
tech.side-dump skip bucket爬式翻斗加料桶
tech.side-dump type旁卸式
gen.sidetipping dump car侧卸
tech.snapshot dump机动转移信息
tech.snapshot dump抽样转储
tech.snapshot dump抽点打印
tech.snapshot dump抽点转储[贮]
tech.split dump barge拼合泥驳
tech.split dump barge对开式泥驳
tech.split dump barge开体泥驳
nautic., tech.split type dump hopper barge对开泥驳
tech.split-bottom dump底拼合的倾卸门
tech.split-bottom dump开底倾卸
tech.split-bottom dump有缝的倾卸门
tech.spoil dump弃土场
tech.spoil dump废料场
tech.spoil dump垃圾坑
tech.spoil dump垃圾堆
tech.spoil dump废料堆
tech.spoil dump碎屑堆
tech.spoil dump碎屑坑
tech.spoil dump碎屑场
tech.spoil dump垃圾场
tech.spoil dump废料坑
avia.spoiler/lift dump扰流片与减速板
tech.spontaneous combustion of coal dump煤堆自燃
tech.standard system dump标准系统转储
tech.static dump静态信息转储
tech.steam generator isolation and dump system蒸汽发生器隔绝与排放系统
tech.steel dump car钢制动自动卸料车
tech.steel dump sheet卸料钢板
tech.stock dump料堆
tech.stock dump料堆
tech.storage dump存储转储
tech.storage dump存储器内容打印
tech.storage dump信息转储
tech.straddle dump device跨式倾卸装置
tech.subsidence factor of dump排土场下沉系数
tech.surface dump地面堆放场
multimed.tape dump磁带转储
tech.three-axle rear-dump truck三轴翻斗卡车
tech.three-axle rear-dump truck三轴后卸卡车
tech.three-way dump body三向倾卸式车厢
tech.three-way dump body三向倾卸车身
tech.three-way dump discharge三向倾卸
tech.three-way dump trailer wagon三向倾卸拖车
tech.three-way dump truck三向倾卸货车
tech.three-way dump truck三向卸载车
tech.three-way dump truck三向自卸汽车
tech.total dump全部转储
tech.total dump总转储
tech.tower dump混凝土料斗
tech.track wheel flat dump car轨道平板倾卸车
tech.track wheel wood dump wagon轨道木倾卸车
tech.trailer dump翻斗挂车
tech.transportation by load haul-dump equipment铲运机运输
tech.trash dump垃圾堆
tech.truck dump piler卡车倾卸堆垛机
UN, tech.truck, dump, up to 20 cubic metres military pattern自卸卡车,至多10立方米军用型
UN, tech.truck, dump, up to 10 cubic metres civilian pattern自卸卡车,至多10立方米民用型
tech.truck with bottom dump body底卸式货车
tech.truck with end dump body后卸式货车
tech.truck with end dump body尾卸式自卸
tech.truck with end dump body后卸式卡车
tech.two-way dump body双向倾卸车身
tech.two-way dump trailer双向倾卸挂车
tech.two-way dump trailer双向倾卸拖车
tech.two-way dump truck双向倾卸货车
tech.two-way side dump car两侧倾卸车
tech.unpeeled log dump未剥皮的原木堆
tech.waste dump废物堆
tech.waste dump废石料
tech.waste dump废料堆
desert.waste dump矸石山
tech.waste dump矸石堆
desert.waste dump废石堆
tech.waste-dump plan废料堆平面图
tech.waste-dump sampling废石堆采样
environ.waste dumping The disposal of solid wastes without environmental controls废料倾倒 (固体废物未经过环境控制的处置。)
consult.wheel loader, two side dump bucket轮胎式两侧卸覆带式装载机
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