
Terms for subject Household appliances containing dryer | all forms
As she shakes the shirt, something flies out, floating up like confetti to land on the lid of the dryer她抖了抖那衬衫,有什么东西掉了出来,好似结婚时的彩纸一般,飞飞扬扬,落在了烘干机的盖子上
clothes dryer干衣机
The products investigated include electric teapots, ion perms, electric kettles, multi yogurt machines, hair dryers, electric cookers, etc.,which are all commonly used home electrical products被检测的产品包括电子泡茶壶、离子烫发器、电热开水壶、多功能酸奶机、电吹风、电炉具等,这些都是常用的电器产品