
Terms containing drive shot | all forms | in specified order only
tab.tenn.combination of long drives and drop shots长抽短吊结合
voll.combine hard drives with drop shots重扣轻吊
tab.tenn.combine long drives with short drop shots长抽结合短吊
tab.tenn.deep topspin shot with a strong forward drive前冲上旋长球
tab.tenn.diagonal shot drive抽角球
badm.drive killing shot大力扣杀
sport, bask.drive shot运球投篮
w.polo.drive-in shot切入射门
sport, bask.fake drive and shot做过人的假动作后投篮
sport, bask.fake drive and shot虚晃过人投篮
sport, bask.fake drive and shot过人假动作投篮
sport, bask.fake shot and drive做投篮假动作后运球过人
sport, bask.fake shot and drive假投篮运球过人
tab.tenn.long drives combined with drop shots长短结合