
Terms containing dredged | all forms | exact matches only
tech.area to be dredged挖泥区
tech.area to be dredged挖泥范围
archit.area to be dredged挖土范围
tech.area to be dredged疏浚区
tech.area to be dredged挖土区
tech.beneficial use of dredged material疏浚土的有效利用
ecol.contaminated dredged material受污染的疏浚物料
tech.daily dredged yardage日挖方量
tech.disposal of dredged material疏浚土处理
tech.dredged area疏浚区
tech.dredged area挖泥区域
tech.dredged area挖出区
tech.dredged area已挖区
tech.dredged berth挖泥泊位
tech.dredged berth疏浚的泊位
tech.dredged berth挖成的泊位
tech.dredged berth挖泥船台
tech.dredged bottom挖成的海底
tech.dredged bottom挖成的底部 (水底)
tech.dredged bottom挖泥海底
tech.dredged bottom挖成的河底
tech.dredged bulkhead后挖式岸壁
tech.dredged channel挖成的航道
tech.dredged channel疏浚航槽
tech.dredged channel已疏浚航道
tech.dredged channel疏浚航道
tech.dredged channel挖泥航道
tech.dredged channel浚深的航道
tech.dredged channel buoyage航槽标
tech.dredged inland port掘进港
tech.dredged inland port内浚港
tech.dredged inland port内河港口疏浚
tech.dredged level挖泥标高
tech.dredged level挖泥高程
tech.dredged material弃土
tech.dredged material挖出的泥砂
tech.dredged material疏浚弃土
tech.dredged material挖泥船挖出物
tech.dredged material浚挖的泥砂
tech.dredged material疏浚材料
environ.dredged material泥机捞出物
environ.dredged material Unconsolidated material removed from rivers, streams, and shallow seas with machines such as the bucket-ladder dredge, dragline dredge, or suction dredge疏浚物质 (通过例如铲斗型挖泥机、牵引索挖泥机、吸泥机等机器,从河川、溪流或浅海中挖掘出来的松散物质。)
tech.dredged material挖出物
tech.dredged material assessment framework疏浚土评价框架
tech.dredged material disposal疏浚土处理
tech.dredged material disposal疏浚土处置
tech.dredged material dumping卸泥
port.facil.dredged materials浚挖泥土
port.facil.dredged materials疏浚挖出的泥土
tech.dredged matter挖出的泥砂
tech.dredged matter弃土
tech.dredged peat挖出的泥炭土
tech.dredged pit挖泥坑
tech.dredged profile浚挖断面监测器
shipb.dredged profile monitor挖泥断面形状监测仪
shipb.dredged quantity recorder挖泥量记录仪
tech.dredged spoil挖出的泥砂
tech.dredged spoil浚挖的泥沙
tech.dredged spoil弃土
tech.dredged spoil挖泥船挖出物
tech.dredged spoil挖出的废料
tech.dredged spoil basin排泥塘
construct.dredged spoil matter泥机捞出物
tech.dredged spoil matter疏浚弃土
tech.dredged trench挖泥槽
tech.dredged trench built-in-place tunnel挖槽现浇式隧道
tech.dumping dredged silt疏浚弃土
tech.filling ground by pumping dredged material吹填
tech.filling of dredged material用挖泥材料填筑的路堤
tech.final dredged depth最后开挖深度
tech.final dredged level最终疏浚标高
tech.final dredged level最终开挖标高
tech.final dredged level挖泥竣工高程
tech.final dredged level挖泥竣工标高
tech.final dredged level最终挖成标高
earth.sc.Puget Sound Dredged Material Disposal Analysis Program普吉特海峡疏浚物质处理分析计划
tech.sea dredged aggregate海产骨料
tech.sea dredged aggregate海产集料
tech.sea dredged aggregate海底集料
tech.subsea outline of dredged areas挖泥区海底略图
tech.thickness of dredged layer挖层厚度【疏】
tech.total volume to be dredged拟挖总方量