
Terms for subject Agriculture containing domestic | all forms | exact matches only
biomass from domestic life家庭生活的生物量
disease of domestic animals家畜疫病
domestic affairs家务
domestic birds家禽
domestic cat家猫
domestic demands国内需求
domestic demands内需
domestic farm fertilizer农家肥
domestic fowl家禽 (复)
domestic fowl
domestic fungi木腐菌
domestic poultry家禽
domestic production国内生产
domestic quarantine国内检疫
domestic rice国产米
domestic seedling自由砧
domestic seedling本砧
domestic seedling共砧
domestic sewer system家庭污水管网
domestic slaughtering自家屠宰
domestic slaughtering自宰
domestic timber国产木材
domestic trade in agricultural products国内农产品贸易
domestic variety本地品种
environmental engineering of domestic animals家畜环境工程
resource recovery of domestic wastes家庭废物再资源化
resource recovery of domestic wastes生活垃圾再资源化
rural domestic economy农村家庭经济学
six domestic animals六畜 (horse, ox, goat, pig, dog and fowl)