
Terms containing documentary | all forms | exact matches only
econ.A full showing of the documentary evidence shall be submitted to the attorney律师必须得到一份完全而明确的文件证据
fin.advance against documentary collection出口托收押汇
interntl.trade.advice for collection of documentary bill跟单汇票托收委托书
busin.advice for collection of documentary bill跟单汇票托收通知书
interntl.trade.advice of collection of documentary bill跟单汇票托收通知书
econ.an outward documentary bill出口押汇
econ.an outward documentary bill出口押汇汇票
econ.an outward documentary bill出口跟单票据
tech.application for documentary bills for collection出口托收申请书
commer.banker's documentary credit银行跟单信用证
econ.Because the amount involved is rather small, they agree to draw on you by documentary sight draft由于金额很小,他们同意向你方开出即期跟单汇票
tech.beta-gamma documentary value贝塔一伽马编录值
interntl.trade.bill of exchange drawn under a documentary credit根据跟单信用证所开的汇票
busin.bill of exchange drawn under a documentary credit跟单信用证汇票
fin.bill under documentary credit附押汇信用证汇票
interntl.trade.clean bill and documentary bill光票和跟单汇票
busin.collection of documentary bill跟单汇票托收
tech.collection of documentary bill托收跟单汇票
econ.collection of documentary bills代收跟单汇票
busin.collection of documentary bills托收跟单汇票
econ.collection of documentary draft跟单托收
busin.collection of documentary draft via agent代理人跟单汇票托收
commer.collection on documentary bill跟单托收
commer.commercial documentary L/C商业跟单信用证
interntl.trade.commercial documentary letter of credit商业跟单信甩证
interntl.trade.commercial documentary letter of credit商业跟单信用状
interntl.trade.commercial documentary letter of credit商业押汇信用证
interntl.trade.commercial documentary letter of credit商业跟单信用证
commer.confirmed documentary credit保付跟单信用证
tech.confirmed documentary credit保兑跟单信用证
construct.cultural documentary文献〔科教,记录〕片
tech.cultural documentary科教片
interntl.trade.decide on the basis of documentary evidence根据书面证据判
interntl.trade.documentary acceptance跟单承兑
interntl.trade.documentary acceptance bill跟单承兑汇票
busin.documentary acceptance bill跟单承兑汇票指汇票经付款人承兑后交付货运单证的汇票
econ.documentary acceptance bill照票汇票
econ.documentary acceptance bill承兑交单汇票
securit.documentary acceptance bill跟单承兑票
busin.documentary acceptance bills跟单承兑汇票
busin.documentary acceptance credit跟单承兑信用证
econ.documentary against承兑、付款交单 (acceptance, payment)
interntl.trade.documentary against acceptance承兑后交付单据
interntl.trade.documentary against acceptance承兑交单
interntl.trade.documentary against payment付款交单
interntl.trade.documentary against payment付款后交付单据
busin.documentary against payment付款后交单又称跟单付款
securit.documentary assurance书面保证
securit.documentary assurance文字上保证
IMF.documentary audit非现场审计
IMF.documentary audit书面审计
IMF.documentary audit跟单审计
busin.documentary audit送达审计
busin.documentary billdraft跟单汇票指卖方签发以买方付款的汇票,并以货运单证作担保,以贴现或抵押方式让与银行,银行再将此汇票与单证交付买方。因汇票附有单证, 故称跟单汇票,又称押汇汇票
interntl.trade.documentary bill跟单票据
interntl.trade.documentary bill跟单押汇票据 (draft)
interntl.trade.documentary bill押汇汇票
econ.documentary bill跟单汇票
textiledocumentary bill押汇
textiledocumentary bill押汇汇票保险单汇票
proj.manag.documentary bill跟单汇票 (draft)
tech.documentary bill货物押汇汇票
busin.documentary bill division押汇科
busin.documentary bill for collection跟单托收汇票
securit.documentary bill for collection跟单托收票据
fin.documentary bill for negotiation押汇票据兑现
commer.documentary bill lodgement跟单汇票托收申请书
textiledocumentary bill of exchange押汇汇票
interntl.trade.documentary bill of exchange跟单汇票
textiledocumentary bill of exchange with L/C附信用证的跟单汇票
fin.documentary bill of exchange with L/C附信用证跟单汇票
interntl.trade.documentary bill of exchange with L/C附有信用证的押汇汇票
busin.documentary bill of exchange with L/C附有信用证的跟单汇票
securit.documentary bill of exchange with L/C凭信用证的押汇汇票
tech.documentary bill of exchange with letter of credit附有信用证的押汇汇票
fin.documentary bill with L/C附信用证跟单汇票
securit.documentary bill with L/C凭信用证押汇汇票
tech.documentary bill with letter of credit凭信押汇汇票
fin.documentary bill without L/C无信用证跟单汇票
securit.documentary bill without L/C不凭信用证押汇汇票
nautic., tech.documentary bills押汇
busin.documentary bills collection跟单汇票托收
interntl.trade.documentary bills division押汇科
interntl.trade.documentary bills division贸易科
commer.documentary bills of collection跟单汇票托收
work.fl.documentary chain文献链
fin.documentary clean bill跟单光票
busin.documentary clean bill无跟单光票
busin.documentary clean credit无跟单信用证
fin.documentary clean credit跟单信用证
tech.documentary clean credit光单信用证
interntl.trade.documentary collection跟单托收
securit.documentary collection单据托收
securit.documentary commercial bill商业押汇票据
interntl.trade.documentary commercial bill drawn at short sight商业短期押汇票
busin.documentary commercial bill drawn at short sight商业短期抵押汇票
busin.documentary commercial bill drawn at short sight短期商业跟单汇票
interntl.trade.documentary compliance文书单据的符合
busin.documentary compliance单据符合
exhib.documentary credit单证信誉
interntl.trade.documentary credit跟单信用状
interntl.trade.documentary credit单据信用状
interntl.trade.documentary credit押汇信用证
tech.documentary credit货物押汇信用证
tech.documentary credit押汇信用 (证)
commer.documentary credit跟单信用证亦缩为 D/C
fin.documentary letter of credit押汇信用证
econ.documentary credit跟单【押汇】信用证
econ.documentary letter of credit有担保的付款凭证
econ.documentary letter of credit跟单信用证
econ.documentary credit有担保的付款凭证
econ.documentary credit跟单信用证
securit.documentary credit单据信用证
interntl.trade.documentary credit operation跟单信用证业务
avia.documentary data公文数据
avia.documentary data insert文件数据插人
commer.documentary delivery单据交付
securit.documentary delivery跟单交付
textiledocumentary design仿古艺术图案
securit.documentary discount note单据贴现本票
interntl.trade.documentary draft押汇汇票
econ.documentary draft跟单【押汇】汇票
interntl.trade.documentary draft提货单汇票
econ.documentary draft跟单汇票
textiledocumentary draft跟单票据
tech.documentary draft货物押汇汇票
fin.documentary draft with L/C附信用证跟单汇票
econ.documentary draft with L/C信用证跟单汇票
el.documentary drafts跟单汇票
el.documentary evidence文字证明
corp.gov.documentary evidence证明文件
corp.gov.documentary evidence书面证明
interntl.trade.documentary evidence书面证据
interntl.trade.documentary evidence收据
China, lawdocumentary evidence书证
commer.documentary evidence文件证明
nautic., tech.documentary evidence书面审理
commer.Documentary evidence is required to validate the claim索赔必须有证明文件方为有效
textiledocumentary evidence of origin产地证书
textiledocumentary evidence of origin产地书面证明
interntl.trade.documentary evidence of origin证明原产地单据
interntl.trade.documentary evidence of origin证明原产地文件
econ.documentary evidence of origin原产地证明文件
econ.Documentary evidence prior to payment by owner had already substantiated estimated expenses估计费用在业主付款以前已用证明文件证实
interntl.trade.documentary export bill出口跟单汇票
environ.documentary film Any motion picture or movie in which an actual event, era or life story is presented factually, with little or no fiction记录片 (含有很少或不含虚构情节的电影或动画,可真实地呈现事件、年代或真实故事。)
environ.documentary film纪录影片
environ.documentary film纪录片
environ.documentary film记实片
tech.documentary film记录片
busin.documentary form文件格式
interntl.trade.documentary import bill进口跟单汇票
econ.documentary import bill输入跟单汇票
bank.documentary instructions单据说明
work.fl.documentary language记录片语言
work.fl.documentary language文献语言
fin.documentary L/C跟单信用证
busin.documentary L/C and clear L/C跟单信用证和光票信用证
interntl.trade.documentary L/C and dear L/C跟单信用证和光票信用证
tech.documentary letter of credit押汇信用证
tech.documentary letter of credit货物押汇信用证
interntl.trade.documentary letter of credit押汇凭信
interntl.trade.documentary letter of credit跟单信用证
securit.documentary letter of credit信用证单据
busin.documentary materials档案材料
interntl.trade.documentary 3 months’ sight见票后 3 个月的押汇票
busin.documentary negotiation票据议付
proj.manag.documentary of carriage运输单据
busin.documentary of origin原产地证明
textiledocumentary paper押汇汇票
textiledocumentary paper跟单汇票
busin.documentary payment凭单付款
busin.documentary payment bill凭单付款汇票
commer.documentary payment bill付款交单汇票
econ.documentary payment bill出付押汇票
securit.documentary payment bill付款跟单汇票
interntl.trade.documentary payment bill现付押汇票
securit.documentary payment bill现付票据
fin.documentary payment order凭单付款委托书
econ.documentary payment order跟单付款委托书
securit.documentary payment order跟单付示委托书
tech.documentary photograph记录像片
tech.documentary photography记录片摄影术
textiledocumentary print仿古印花纹织物
econ.documentary promisory note跟单期票
securit.documentary promissory bill现付押汇票据
interntl.trade.documentary promissory note跟单期票
railw.documentary promissory note跟单本票
tech.documentary promissory note附单期票
interntl.trade.documentary proof文件证明 (evidence)
busin.documentary proof文件证明
fin.documentary public debts证书公债
tech.documentary reimbursement附单据求偿
securit.documentary reimbursement单据报销
econ.documentary remittance跟单汇兑 (汇票)
textiledocumentary remittance押汇汇票
textiledocumentary remittance跟单汇票
interntl.trade.documentary remittance跟单汇兑
securit.documentary remittance汇款单据
el.documentary remittances跟单汇兑
interntl.trade.documentary remittances跟单汇票
interntl.trade.documentary requirements证件要求
econ.documentary reserve保证准备
econ.documentary reserve method证券准备法
securit.documentary reserve method证券准备金方法
busin.documentary reserve system有价证券存托制
logist.documentary sale单证买卖
interntl.trade.documentary sale跟单销售
econ.documentary scope of application单据适用范围
busin.documentary scope of application of a convention公约在文件上的适用范围
interntl.trade.documentary scope of application of a convention公约在单据上的适用范围
busin.documentary scope of application of a convention公约在单据上适用范围
econ.documentary scope of application of a convertion公约在单据上的适用范围
interntl.trade.documentary securities有价抵押券
interntl.trade.documentary securities有价债券
busin.documentary securities有价抵押证券
securit.documentary security有价债券
securit.documentary security有价抵押券
busin.documentary stamp印花税票
fin.documentary stamp tax票据印花税
tech.documentary stamp tax单据印花税
environ.documentary system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources providing written, printed or digitized items that furnish or substantiate information or evidence文件系统 (经过协调整合的设备或其他资源的组合,可提供或证实经手写、打印和数字化的信息或证明。)
tech.documentary tax印花税
tech.documentary tax stamps印花税戳
tech.documentary tax stamps印花税完税凭证
econ.documentary transaction跟单销售
tech.documentary transfer tax房地产过户税
work.fl.documentary unit文献单位
tech.evidence documentary书面证据
tech.examine documentary value检查编录值
securit.export documentary bill出口押汇
securit.export documentary bill出口汇票
gen.full-length documentary大型纪录片
tech.gamma documentary value伽马编录值
UN, policeintegrity of documentary evidence书证的完整性
fin.International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits《关于审核跟单信用证项下单据的国际标准银行实务》 (ISBP 是银行、进出口商、律师、法官和仲裁员在使用 UCP500 处理信用证实务和解决争端时的重要依据,对各国国际业务从业人员正确理解和使用 UCP500,统一和规范信用证单据的审核实务,减少不必要的争议,具有重要意义,也是 UCP600 订立的重要标准)
busin.inward documentary bill进口押汇票
busin.inward documentary bill进口跟单汇票
interntl.trade.inward documentary bills进口跟单汇票
interntl.trade.inward documentary bills进口押汇
econ.inward documentary bills进口押汇票
econ.inward documentary credit进口跟单信用证
econ.inward documentary credit进口押汇票
busin.inward documentary credit进口押汇
el.irrevocable documentary不可撤销跟单信用证 (L/C)
interntl.trade.irrevocable documentary acceptance credit不可撤销承兑跟单信用证
textileirrevocable documentary acceptance credit不可撤销的跟单承兑信用证
econ.irrevocable documentary acceptance credit不可撤销的承兑跟单信用证
busin.irrevocable documentary acceptance credit不可撤销的承兑交单信用证
IMF.irrevocable documentary credit不可撤销的跟单信用证
shipb.irrevocable documentary credit不可撤销跟单信用证
textileirrevocable documentary L/C不可撤销的跟单信用证
interntl.trade.irrevocable documentary L/C不可撤销跟单信用证
textileirrevocable documentary letter of credit不可撤销跟单信用证
commer.irrevocable documentary letter of credit不可撤销的跟单信用证
textileirrevocable documentary payment不可撤销的跟单付款委托书
textileirrevocable documentary payment order不可撤销的跟单付款委托书
interntl.trade.irrevocable documentary payment order不可撤销跟单付款委托书
econ.Just a few lines to inform you that we agree to draw on you by documentary sight draft兹通知,我们同意向你方开出即期跟单汇票
work.fl.multilevel documentary unit多级文献单位
econ.on for documentary collection按跟单托收
econ.outward documentary bill出口提单汇票
interntl.trade.outward documentary bill出口押汇
interntl.trade.outward documentary bill出口跟单票据
commer.outward documentary bill岀口跟单汇票
busin.outward documentary bill出口押汇汇票
tech.outward documentary bill出口跟单汇票
fin.outward documentary bills出口押汇
busin.outward documentary credit出口跟单信用证
commer.payment to be made under a documentary credit按跟单信用证方式付款
tech.radiometric documentary contour map辐射编录等值图
org.name.Reference and Documentary Information Group参考资料及文献信息组
interntl.trade.render an award on documentary evidence根据书面证据所作的裁决
econ.render an on documentary evidence根据书面证据所作的裁决
securit.revocable documentary L/C可撤销跟单信用证
commer.send documentary proofs to back up a claim寄送证明文件作为索赔依据
commer.short-circuiting of documentary credit跟单信用证短路
interntl.trade.special documentary credit特别押汇信用证
busin.special documentary credit特别押汇信贷
tech.spectrum documentary value能谱编录值
econ.technical documentary report技术文件报告
gen.technical documentary report技术文献报告
gen.televised documentary电视纪录片
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the draft于见票时应即予承兑
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the draft并应于汇票到期日即予付款承兑汇票后交单
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the draft买方对卖方开具的见票后 XX 天付款的跟单汇票
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only付款后交单
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only于提货时应予承兑
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only并应于汇票到期日即予付款
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only买方对卖方开具的见票后X X天付款的跟单汇票
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the drafts并应于汇票到期日即予付款承兑汇票后交单
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the drafts于见票时应即予承兑
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the drafts买方对卖方开具的见票后 XX 天付款的跟单汇票
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only付款后交单
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only于提货时应予承兑
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only并应于汇票到期日即予付款
interntl.trade.the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only买方对卖方开具的见票后X X天付款的跟单汇票
commer.The draft was sent through the banker on documentary collection汇票送交银行按跟单托收收取款项
commer.The payment is to be made under a banker's documentary credit规定凭银行跟单信用证付款
commer.The sole arbitrator decided for the defendant on the basis of documentary evidence依据书面证据独任仲裁员判被告胜诉
busin.travel documentary film旅游文献影片
commer.unconfirmed documentary credit不保兑跟单信用证 (与保兑跟单信用证 (confirmed documentary credit) 相对)
commer.unconfirmed documentary letter of credit不保兑跟单信用证 (与保兑跟单信用证 (confirmed documentary credit) 相对)
commer.Under documentary credits, the banker, on the instructions of the buyer, promises to accept, honour or negotiate bills of exchange drawn by the seller在按跟单信用证支付方式下,银行依照买方指示,承诺对卖方开岀的汇票予以承兑,兑付或议付
bank.uniform custom and practice of commercial documentary credits商业跟单信用证统一惯例
nautic., tech.uniform customs and practice for commercial documentary credits跟单信用证统一惯例
org.name.Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit《跟单信用证统一惯例》
fin.Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit《跟单信用证统一惯例》 (1930年,国际商会拟订了一套《商业跟单信用证统一惯例》,于1933年正式公布,后多次进行修订,称为《跟单信用证统一惯例》,被各国银行和贸易界广泛采用,成为信用证业务的国际惯例,1993年的版本称为《UCP 500》,2007年的版本称为《UCP 600》)
commer.Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit跟单信用证统一惯例
interntl.trade.uniform customs and practice for documentary credits押汇信用统一惯例与实务
commer.Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits国际商会跟单信用证统一惯例
busin.uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credit商业跟单信用证统一惯例
econ.uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credit商业跟单信用证统一惯例和做法
busin.uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credit商业跟单信用证统一惯例和做法系由国际商会拟定
interntl.trade.uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credits商业银单信用证统惯例习惯与做法
securit.uniform customs and practices for documentary credits跟单信用证统一习惯和做法
busin.uniform customs practice documentary credit跟单信用证统一惯例
econ.uniform customs practices for documentary credit跟单信用证统一惯例
avia.unite documentaries文件组
avia.unite documentaries〔客〕文件单元
multimed.Web documentary网页纪录片
econ.You have to support your claim with sufficient documentary proof你方必须用足够的书面证据来支持你方的索赔