
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing document | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance document验收文件
cash against documents凭单据付现款
crew's identity document船员身份证件
decide on the basis of documents evidence根据书面证据裁决
deliver goods against surrender of the document凭单交货
discrepancy between cargo and document单证与货物不符
document handler processor文件处理机
document of ratification批准文件
documents for claim索赔文件
documents of container transportation集装箱运输单证
documents of pallet transportation托盘运输单证
I wonder if you will accept document against payment?你们能不能接受付款交单?
import documents进口单据
index document索引文件
original documents for payments支出凭证
relevant documents有关文件
require irrevocable L/C payable against presentation of shipping documents要求不撤销信用证、 凭货运单据付款
ship document船舶文件
Ship document is a general call of various files that proves ship's ownership, performance, technical status and operating necessary condition船舶文件是证明船舶所有权、性能、技术状况和营运必备条件的各种文件的总称
shipper's documents托运人单证
unclassified document不保密的文件
vendor shipping documents卖主装运单据
vendor's shipping document卖主装货单据
We usually accept payment by irrevocable L/C payable against shipping documents.我们通常采用凭不可撤销的信用证、装运单据结汇付款的方式