
Terms for subject Sports containing distribution | all forms | exact matches only
body fat distribution with age体脂增龄变化
chart of gold distribution金牌分配表
distribution of attention注意分配
distribution of awards颁发奖品 (prizes)
distribution of awards奖金分配
distribution of blood stream血流分配 (blood flow)
distribution of income分成
distribution of physical strength体力分配
distribution of prizes奖金分配
energy distribution能量分配
regional fat distribution局部脂肪分布
The competitors shall then be placed in heats in the order of seeding in a zigzag distribution将运动员按排列的序号、 依照蛇形分布的方法编人各组 (注释:seeding 可作为名词或动名词使用。其动词是 seed,它有两种用法:一是从运动员中挑选种子选手;二是排序,将参赛运动员按成绩优劣排序编组,以免水平较高的运动员过早相遇。)
zigzag distribution名词词组蛇形分布