
Terms for subject General containing distance | all forms | exact matches only
be a good distance away离开得很远
be a good distance off离开得很远
be a great distance away离开得很远
be a great distance off离开得很远
a smart distance相当长的距离
at a distance相隔一定距离的地方
at a distance在一定的距离内
at a distance远距离
at a distance隔开一点
at a distance远处
at a distance隔开一段距离
at a distance M from距离 N为M的地方 (N)
at a distance M from the centre在距中心为 M 远之处
at some distance相当远
at some distance以〔相隔,保持〕一定距离
at this distance of time在相隔很远的今天
at this distance of time过了好久到现在还
be any distance from距N无论远近 (N)
be any distance from距…有一定距离
be any distance from距N较远 (N)
be no distance at all一点不远
centre distance中心间距〔离〕
centre distance中心距
come within a measurable distance of临近
come within a measurable distance of逼近
come within a measurable distance of接近
comer sight distance交叉口侧向视距
distance along a path路程上的距离
distance-amplitude curve距离-振幅曲线
distance communication远程通联
distance communicator远程通联者
distance hardness DH硬度顶端淬火时的距离硬度
distance in miles距离以英里计
distance no object不论远近
distance of flightголуб.гонк. 飞行距离
distance of flightголуб.гонк. 翔距
distance run motor船舶显示设备中的航程马达
distance range to target至目标的距离
effective up to a distance of...有效距离在…之内
effective up to a distance of...有效距离达…
electricity permits indication of measurements at a distance, which is very important in many fields电可以在相隔一段距离的地方显示各种测量结果,这在许多场合都是很重要的
extra distance再赛过程
extralong distance超远足巨
flying distanceголуб.гонк. 飞行距离
flying distanceголуб.гонк. 翔距
focus-skin distance焦点-皮肤距离
for some distance距…一段距离内 (from)
from a distance从远方〔处〕
go a long distance in方面有很大进展 (+ ing)
have M distance to go to到 N 要走 M 距离 (N)
height to distance ratio高度-距离比
I would like to make a long distance call to Taibei我想打个长途电话到台北去
international long distance telephone国际长途电话
it is no distance from here离这里不远
keep.. .at a distance与…保持相当距离
lens-to-sereen distance透镜与荧光屏间的距离
linear distance直线距离
long distance line长途电话线
long-distance trunk长途〔长距离〕中继线
long distance trunk长途〔电话〕中继线
melt into distance消失在远方
melt into distance消逝
middle distance中景
migration distance迁移长度
miss-distance indicator脱-靶偏差距离指示器试验导弹时用的
movement distance运动足巨离
omnibearing distance全方位〔无线电信标测得的〕距离
omni-bearing-distance navigation方位与距离综合导航
omni-bearing-distance navigation全方位-距离导航
operate over long distances远距离操作〔控制,飞行〕
be out of striking distance (from)
be out of striking distance离开得很远 (from)
be out of striking distance太远 (from)
passing minimus distance最短超车距离
photograph distance航摄像片距离
radio distance空中目标速度测量设备 (radar distance indicator)
radio distance空中目标速度测量装置
radio distance无线电导航系统
radio distance无线电测距〔设备〕 (radar distance indicator)
rattling big distance极远极远
remain the same distance fromM 与 M 的距离保持不变
route or distance of travel行程
safe vertical distance垂直安全距离炸弹引信解脱保险后的
space distanceголуб.гонк. 信鸽比赛的空距
supply distance供应距离
the distance along a line直线距离
the point whose distance is to be measured距离待测的那个点
to a distance到远方
travel long distances作长途旅行
Traveler's checks are very convenient for a long-distance travel旅行支票对于长途旅行很方便
VHF omnirange and distance measuring equipment甚高频全向信标与测距设备〔组成的近距导航系统〕
we saw some ships at some distance我们看见很远的地方有条船
within easy distance of离…
within shouting distance在…的附近
within shouting distance在大声叫喊时听得见的地方
work is equal to force times distance功等于力乘距离
Yeah. It's really convenient. All the theaters and shopping malls are within walking distance. Well, I gotta go. I'll get in touch with you soon是的,城里很方便。所有的电影院和购物中心都很近。我回头再和你聊吧