
Terms for subject Finances containing disposal | all forms | exact matches only
asset disposal account资产处置账户
cost of waste disposal废品处理费用
disposal cost清理成本
disposal of depreciable assets应计折旧资产的出售
disposal of donated shares捐赠股票的出售
disposal of fixed assets固定资产的处理
disposal of plant and equipment厂房和设备的处理
disposal of property财产清理
disposal of treasury shares-cost basis出售库存股票的记帐-成本法根据成本作价
gain and losses on disposal of plant and equipment固定资产与设备出售损益
gains and losses on disposal of plant and equipment固定资产与设备出售损益
income from investment disposal投资处置收益
loss and gain on disposal of fixed assets固定资产让售损益
loss and gain on disposal of invested securities投资有价证券销售损益
loss on disposal of assets资产处置损失
loss on disposal of old asset出售旧资产损失
loss or gain on disposal of fixed asset固定资产清理损益
profit and loss on the disposal of non-current assets非流动性资产处置损益
profit on disposal of property资产处置利润
right of disposal财产处分权