
Terms for subject Project management containing display | all forms | exact matches only
active-matrix display主动式点阵显示器
back-lit display背光显示器
Display component selects seven-segment numerical tube LED显示器件选用 LED 七段数码管
display design展示设计
Display is centered on cells, and data entry is often performed through cells单元格中的内容居中显示、并且通常通过单元格来输入数据
display PostScriptPostScript 显示
Displays all unsaved files, and allows the user to optionally save specific files显示所有未保存的文件、并允许用户有选择地保存特定文件
dual-scan display隔行扫描显示器
flat-panel display扁平面显示器
full-page display全页显示方式
full-page display整页显示
gas-discharge display气体放电显示器
gas-plasma display气体等离子显示屏
in-store display店内展示
liquid crystal display projectorLCD 投影仪
megapel display兆像素显示
megapixel display兆像素显示
News that display real-time updates on the start page新闻显示实时更新的起始网页
passive-matrix display被动式阵列显示器
raster-scan display光栅扫描显示
reflective liquid-crystal display反射式液晶显示器
RGB displayRGE 显示
RGB display三原色显示
Suspend processing of a batch file and display a message暂停执行批处理文件、 并显示一条消息
System software performs tasks like transferring data from memory to disk, or rendering text onto a display device系统软件执行像从内存传输数据到磁盘、或者将文本递交给显示设备这样的任务
TFT display快速点阵显示器
The printer list in printer setup utility displays information about the printers that have been set up for your computer打印机设置实用程序中的打印机列表显示有您的电脑已配置的打印机的信息
These machines are distinguished by their compact design and large liquid crystal display panels that also incorporate the guts of the PC这种电脑设计简洁、配备大尺寸液晶显示屏、融入了 PC 机的所有功能
This means that you can call up and display external documents, or access CAD drawings这就意味着你可以提取和查看外部文档、或者访问 CAD 制图
typical background manner to display design展示设计的典型环境手法
video display adapter视频显示卡
virtual display device driver虚拟显示设备驱动程序
window display橱窗展示
With the widely use of raster display, pixel-level algorithm becomes a research hotspot of fundamental algorithms of Computer Graphics now随着光栅显示器的广泛使用、逐点算法已成为目前图形学基础算法中的一个研究热点