
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing disease | all forms
Climate scientists predict dire consequences including extensive melting of ice sheets, changed regional weather patterns causing more intense heat waves, droughts and floods, the spread of tropical diseases and eventual rises in sea level气候学家预测、包括冰层大规模融化在内的可怕后果、改变了区域性气候类型、正在引发更为强劲的热浪、旱涝、热带疾病的蔓延以及海平面的最终上升
grape seedlings blasted by insect diseases因病虫害毁坏的葡萄苗
occupational diseases职业病职工因受职业性有害因素的影响而引起的,由国家以法规形式规定并经国家指定的医疗机构确诊的疾病
Smoking is believed to be the prime cause of heart disease有人说吸烟是引发心脏病的祸首
Smoking without restraint, says the doctor, is contributive to his lung diseases医生说毫无节制的吸烟、引发了他的肺部疾病