
Terms for subject Environment containing disease | all forms | exact matches only
animal disease动物疾病
cardiovascular disease心血管疾病
Chagas' disease A form of trypanosomiasis found in South America, caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, characterized by fever and often inflammation of the hearth muscle南美洲锥虫病;恰加斯氏病 (一种在南美洲发现的由于原生动物克氏锥虫引发的锥虫病。这种锥虫病的特征是高烧,通常还有心肌炎。)
disease cause致病原因
environmentally related disease环境相关疾病
fish disease鱼病
human disease An interruption, cessation or disorder of human bodily functions, systems or organs resulting from genetic or developmental errors, infection, nutritional deficiency, toxicity, illness or unfavorable environmental factors人类疾病 (由于遗传或发展误差、感染、营养不足、毒性、生病或不适宜的环境因素所造成的人体机能、系统或组织的障碍、停止或不正常。)
immunological disease The disruption of the complex system of interacting cells, cell products and cell-forming tissues that protects the body from pathogens, destroys infected and malignant cells and removes cellular debris免疫疾病 (相互作用的细胞、细胞产物与细胞形成组织间所构成的复杂系统的破坏。这复杂系统保护身体免于病原体影响,破坏受感染的恶性细胞并移除细胞残骸。)
infectious disease Pathogenic condition resulting from invasion of an host by a pathogen that propagates causing infection传染病 (由于会传染且引起发炎的病原宿主的侵入,而导致的疾病状态。)
occupational disease A functional or organic disease caused by factors arising from the operations or materials of an individual's industry, trade, or occupation职业病 (一个功能性或器质性病变,由某个产业、贸易或职业的操作或材料因素所引起。)
plant disease植物病害
pulmonary disease Any disease pertaining to the lungs肺病 (任何肺部的病。)
respiratory disease呼吸疾病
vector of human diseases An agent or organism that acts as a carrier or transmitter of a human illness人类疾病的载体 (作为人类疾病的携带者和传播者的媒介或生物体。)