
Terms for subject Ecology containing disease | all forms | exact matches only
acute respiratory disease急性呼吸道疾病
Anderson's disease安德森病
brown rind disease褐皮病
cadmium disease镉病
Committee to Control the Weird Disease of Minamata水俣病防治委员会
dark furuncle disease黑疔病
disease interaction病害互作
distribution map of environmental diseases环境疾病分布图
environmentally related diseases与环境相关的疾病
fly borne disease蝇传疾病
flyblows disease蝇传疾病
food borne disease经食品传播的疾病
food deficiency disease养料缺乏症
foot and mouth disease口蹄疫
industrial disease职业病
inhalation disease吸入性疾病
itai-itai disease骨痛病指长期饮用含镉河水的结果
jujube witches-broom disease枣疯病
latent disease潜在疾病
mad hatter's disease慢性汞中毒症
minamata disease有机汞中毒症
plant disease control植物病害防治
respiratory system disease呼吸系统疾病
Sandhoff’s disease桑德霍夫氏病
Sandhoff’s disease氨基己糖苷A-B酶缺乏症
soil and water source of disease水土病源
thallium disease铊病
thick rotten disease浆烂病
vector with two anti-disease gene双价抗病基因植物表达载体
water-borne disease水致疾病
Yusho Disease Incident米糠油事件1968年3月发生在日, 本北九州市爱知县一带由于多氯联苯污染米糠油而引起的公害事件