
Terms for subject China containing disease | all forms | exact matches only
a disease prevention and control system疾病预防控制体系
animal and plant disease free zone无规定动植物疫病区
animal and plant disease zone动植物疫病区
animal diseases动物传染病
catalogues of the diseases病种名录
cause the spread or epidemic of an infectious disease导致传染病传播或者流行
chronic diseases慢性病
chronic social diseases社会痼疾
Class A and Class B infectious diseases of animals一类、二类动物传染病
condition for prevention of epidemic diseases among the breeding livestock and poultry种畜禽防疫条件
diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases动物诊疗
discriminate against infectious disease patients歧视传染病病人
disease caused by food-borne bacteria食源性疾患
disease suspected to be quarantinable疑似检疫传染病
early warning of infectious diseases传染病预警
endemic disease among livestock地区牲畜疫病
endemic infectious diseases地方性传染病
epidemic disease zone疫病区
epidemic situation of infectious diseases传染病疫情
establish a fully functioning system for disease prevention and control and for emergency medical aid that covers both urban and rural areas基本建成覆盖城乡、功能完善的疾病预防控制和医疗救治体系
exudative skin disease渗出性皮肤病
forecast infectious diseases传染病预测
free of epidemic disease and insect pest无检疫性病虫害
genetic disease diagnosis遗传病诊断
genetic diseases遗传性疾病
genetic diseases of a serious nature严重遗传性疾病
illegally store infectious disease pathogen非法储存传染病病原体
infect with epidemic disease and the excrement染疫动物及其排泄物
infectious disease pathogens传染病病原体
infectious disease patient传染病病人
infectious disease under Class C丙类传染病
infectious diseases common to human beings and animals人畜共患传染病
infectious diseases under Class A甲类传染病
infectious diseases under Class B乙类传染病
insect which are carriers of disease病媒昆虫
monitor infectious diseases传染病监测
occupational diseases职业病
pathogen carrier of an infectious disease传染病病原携带者
person having a quarantinable infectious disease检疫传染病染疫人
preliminary in respect of infectious diseases传染病预检
prevent and cure diseases防病治病
prevent and treat infectious diseases传染病防治
prevention and control of diseases疾病预防控制
prevention of infectious diseases传染病预防
put an end to infectious diseases消除传染病
quarantinable infectious diseases监测传染病
random animal epidemic disease zone无规定疫病区
relevant mental disease有关精神病
scope of A Class infectious diseases甲类传染病的范围
suspected infectious disease patient疑似传染病病人
suspected infectious diseases传染病嫌疑
target infectious disease指定传染病
the Law on Preventing and Controlling Communicable Diseases传染病防治法
transmit quarantinable infectious disease传播检疫传染病