
Terms for subject Surgery containing disease | all forms | exact matches only
Bowen disease of penis阴茎包文病
cystic disease of breast乳房囊性增生病
cysts and cystic disease of kidney肾囊肿及囊肿性疾病
disease of umbilicus脐疾病
disease of urachus脐尿管疾病
echinococcus disease of kidney肾棘球蚴病
echinococcus disease of prostate and seminal vesicle前列腺精囊棘球蚴病
echinococcus disease of urinary system泌尿系棘球蚴病
fibrocystic disease of breast乳腺纤维囊性病
fungal disease of lung肺真菌病
Hodgkin disease of liver肝霍奇金病
hydatid disease of bone骨包囊虫病
hydatid disease of liver肝包虫病
hydatid disease of lung肺包囊虫病
medullary cystic disease of kidney肾髓质囊性病
parasitic disease of lung肺寄生虫病
parasitic disease of pancreas胰腺寄生虫病
polycystic disease of liver多囊肝
recurrence of original disease in transplanted kidney移植肾原病复发
Sandhoff disease GM神经节苷脂贮积症变异型
segmentic disease of liver区域性肝脏疾病
Tay-Sachs disease GM家族性黑矇性痴呆
Tay-Sachs disease GM神经节苷脂贮积症变异型 B
unilateral multicystic disease of kidney单侧肾多发性囊肿病
von Recklinghausen disease of abdominal wall腹壁神经纤维瘤病