
Terms containing discus | all forms | exact matches only
athlet.circle for discus throwing铁饼投掷圈
gen.disci discus的复数
tech.disci disk阀叶
sport., med.disci intervertebralis椎间盘
anim.husb.discus articularis关节盘
athlet.discus cage掷铁饼护笼
athlet.discus cage铁饼护笼
athlet.discus circle铁饼投掷圈
athlet.discus edge铁饼外沿
repr.biol.discus facialis面盘
repr.biol.discus germinalis胚盘
repr.biol.discus nervi optici视神经盘
athlet.discus throw掷铁饼
athlet.discus throw铁饼投掷
athlet.discus throw area掷铁饼场地
athlet.discus thrower铁饼运动员
athlet.face of discus铁饼面
athlet.facility for discus throw投掷铁饼设施
athlet.feel for the discus铁饼感觉
pharm.Haliotis discus hannai Ino皱纹盘鲍 (平肝息风药)
athlet.hold the discus握铁饼
sport.Holding discus flat in the palm, the thrower spins 540 degrees and launches it铁饼运动员将铁饼平放在手掌里身体旋转540°、然后将铁饼掷出
sport.It is this discipline that has won him two world records in the past year, in shot put and javelin, and he hopes to add another for discus next year过去数年间,长期的训练令他获得了铅球与标枪两项世界纪录,他希望明年还能创造铁饼项目的纪录
athlet.launch the discus掷铁饼
sport.make a discus throw掷铁饼
athlet.men's discus throw男子铁饼
athlet.modern discus technique现代掷铁饼技术
athlet.roll the discus滚铁饼
athlet.standing discus throw原地掷铁饼
athlet.strap discus系带铁饼
athlet.swing the discus预摆铁饼
gen.the discus throw掷铁饼运动
sport.The discus throw shall be made from within the circle铁饼必须从投掷圈内掷出
sport.The discus thrower released the discus properly这位铁饼运动员以正确的方法将铁饼掷出
sport.The discus thrower spins around one and a half times to gain momentum and releases the discus这位铁饼运动员手持铁饼身体旋转一圈半以便获得足够的力量或动量将铁饼掷出去
sport.throw a discus掷铁饼
athlet.throw the discus掷铁饼
sport.Thrower tries to keep discus as flat as possible during its flight to reduce wind resistance运动员试图使掷出的铁饼在飞行时保持扁平状以减少风的阻力
sport.to release a discus
athlet.torque style of discus throwing掷铁饼扭紧方式
athlet.trailing of the discus铁饼留在身后
athlet.women's discus throw女子铁饼