
Terms for subject Economy containing discharge | all forms | exact matches only
change of destined port of discharge clause更改目的港卸货条款
charge and discharge documents交接凭证
charge and discharge statement as to principal遗产本金借贷报告表
charge-discharge statement入账和冲账报表
charge-discharge statement交接表
completion of discharge卸装完毕
date of completion of discharge卸起日期
direct discharge直接卸货
discharge a contract解除合同 (契约)
discharge a debt偿还债务
discharge a ship卸船
discharge afloat卸货
discharge afloat船上
discharge afloat船舶必须在漂浮状态下卸货租船条款
discharge afloat船 上卸货
discharge at wharf靠码头卸货
discharge cargo overside从船边卸货港
discharge in bankruptcy解除破产人未偿债务的命令
discharge into a lighter卸入驳船
discharge of a debt免除债务
discharge of a debt清偿债务
discharge of a party解除汇票签字人的义务
discharge of a party to a bill of exchange解除汇票签字人或背书人的义务
discharge of a prior party解除汇票前手人的责任
discharge of a prior party解除汇票前手的责任
discharge of claims in a bankruptcy破产程序中的清偿债权
discharge of claims in a bankruptcy破产程序中清偿债权
discharge of contract合约解除
discharge of goods卸货
discharge of liability on a bill of exchange解除汇票上的义务
discharge of liability on a bill of exchange不履行或解除汇票上的义务
discharge of tax obligation撤销或免除纳税义务
discharge of the right of action by lapse of time因时效已过而丧失起诉权
dispatch discharge only只限卸货的速遣费
expected time of finishing discharge预期卸完时间
expected time of finishing discharge预计卸完时间
free discharge运费不包括卸货费
free discharge卸货费与船东无关
free discharge买方不负担卸费
free discharge免费交货
freight to be paid after discharge at destination运费到目的地卸货后付
full discharge全部履行 (of liability under a bill of exchange, 汇票义务)
intermediate discharge中间港卸货
no risk after discharge不保卸货后的风险
no risk after discharge卸货后无风险 (不负责)
no risk after discharge卸货后解除责任
not risk after discharge卸货后船方不负责任
partial discharge of a liability部分履行
partial discharge of liability部分履行
payment which operates as a discharge解除债务作用的付款
place of discharge卸货地点