
Terms containing dirty | all forms | exact matches only
busin.bag cover dirty袋皮有脏渍
interntl.trade.bag cover dirty袋皮有脏渍水渍
busin.bag cover dirty袋装有污损
textilebale cover dirty包装外皮脏
busin.bale cover dirty包装外皮脏污
China, lawcontaminated and dirty污秽不洁
tech.dirty aggregate脏污集料
tech.dirty aggregate未清洗集料
auto.dirty air高速车后紊流空气
exhib.dirty air乱流
tech.dirty air污浊空气
busin.dirty and foreign matter杂质
oildirty arkose泥质长石砂岩
tech.dirty ballast沉淀柜
tech.dirty ballast污油柜
nautic., tech.dirty ballast污压载水
met.dirty bed泥土层
econ.dirty bill of lading不清洁提单 (指有批注的提单)
tech.dirty bill of lading不清洁提
busin.dirty bill of lading不清洁提单即提单上批注有货物包装破损或件数不足等字样的提单
textiledirty bill of lading不清洁提单
tech.dirty bill of lading附有某些条件的提单
interntl.trade.dirty bill of lading不洁提单
transp.dirty bill of lading有债务提单
securit.dirty bill of lading不洁提货单
anim.husb.dirty bin未扬场谷物的仓库
anim.husb.dirty bin未经清净的谷物仓库
ITdirty bit脏位
telecom.dirty bit页面重写标志位
telecom.dirty bit修改数据标志位
commer.dirty B/L不清洁提单
exhib.dirty/black petroleum products原油
textiledirty blue暗蓝
spacedirty bomb肮脏弹 (有放射性微粒的核弹)
avia.dirty bomb肮脏弹
commer.dirty bond无固定价格的公债
tech.dirty bond不洁公债
busin.dirty bond不洁债券
busin.dirty bond带息债券
tech.dirty bond非固定价格公债
securit.dirty bonds附息债券
securit.dirty bonds不洁债券
textiledirty buck脏鹿皮
textiledirty buck脏鹿皮鞋
agric.dirty cane脏蔗指夹杂物多甘蔗
archit.dirty cargo油污货物 (如油、漆等)
tech.dirty cargo不洁货物
oildirty cargo黑渣油
oildirty cargo不洁船货
interntl.trade.dirty cargo污染货物
interntl.trade.dirty cargo不洁货
commer.dirty cargo污秽货物
tech.dirty cargo污染货物
tech.dirty cargo污脏货物
tech.dirty cargo油污货物
met.dirty casting夹杂物多的铸件
tech.dirty casting夹杂物铸件
tech.dirty channel泥砂河槽
oildirty charge stock重残油进料
tech.dirty charge stock裂化用残油〔重油〕
busin.dirty cheap price便宜至极的价格
busin.dirty cheap price贱价
tech.Dirty City肮脏城 (美国纽约市的俚称)
oildirty coal高灰煤
tech.dirty coal高灰分煤
tech.dirty coal脏煤
tech.dirty color浊色
tech.dirty colour浊色
tech.dirty complexion面垢
el.dirty condensate tank污凝结水箱
auto.dirty contact电器脏的触点
telecom.dirty-contact fault触点污染故障
dart.dirty darts脏镖
telecom.dirty data废数据
agric.dirty data无效数据
multimed.dirty data脏数据
tech.dirty deal肮脏交易
met.dirty discharge废气排放
met.dirty discharge污染排放
auto.dirty electrode火花塞脏污的电极
wind.dirty environment污秽环境
tech.dirty environment多尘环境
oildirty factor污垢因数
tech.dirty factor污垢系数
tech.dirty finish粗糙瓶口
econ.dirty flexible exchange rate干预浮动
econ.dirty flexible exchange rate管理浮动
econ.dirty flexible exchange rate肮脏浮动汇率
fin.dirty float有干预浮动
fin.dirty float不自由浮动
busin.dirty float有干预的浮动
IMF.dirty float有管理的浮动
IMF.dirty float肮脏浮动
securit.dirty float管理浮动
econ.dirty float受限制的浮动
securit.dirty float干预浮动
securit.dirty float不洁浮动
commer.dirty floating货币汇率受操纵肮脏浮动
interntl.trade.dirty floating受限制的浮动
interntl.trade.dirty floating干涉浮动
interntl.trade.dirty floating肮脏浮动
tech.dirty floating肮脏的浮动
econ.dirty floating exchange rate肮脏浮动汇率
econ.dirty floating exchange rate受限制的浮动汇率
econ.dirty floating exchange rate不自由浮动汇率
dril.dirty formation泥质地层
auto.dirty fuel脏燃油
tech.dirty galley毛样
ecol.dirty gas含尘气体
textiledirty green暗绿
textiledirty green暗绿色
textiledirty grey暗灰
fig.skat.dirty ice冰面不洁
tech.dirty ice脏冰
tech.dirty incinerator垃圾熒化炉
tech.dirty incinerator污物焚化炉
busin.dirty industry污染工业
auto.dirty job脏活工作
busin.dirty job苦差使
busin.dirty job脏活
ITdirty line沾污行
auto.dirty lubrication oil脏润滑油
tech.dirty manuscript毛稿
commer.dirty mate's receipt不清洁大副收据
interntl.trade.dirty mate's receipt不洁收货单
econ.dirty mate's receipt不洁大副收货单
econ.dirty mate's receipt不法收货单
busin.dirty mate's receipt不清洁收货单
busin.dirty matter receipt不洁收货单
tech.dirty money装卸污染货物所增加的装卸费
commer.dirty money龌龊之钱
econ.dirty money非法钱财
econ.dirty money脏钱
econ.dirty money脏污棘手装卸奖金
interntl.trade.dirty money不正当的钱
interntl.trade.dirty money装卸特殊货物的额外津贴
busin.dirty money不正当的钱财
busin.dirty money因装卸污臭货或含尘谷物另给的工人补助费
tech.dirty money脏污费
tech.dirty money码头工人装卸污臭货物的额外工资
busin.dirty money不义之财
busin.dirty money污货装卸奖金
archit.dirty money付给在困难或特殊条件下工作的建筑工人的额外报酬
tech.dirty money重活薪金
oildirty mud sump废泥浆池
tech.dirty mud sump污染泥浆池
compr.dirty oil脏油
interntl.trade.dirty oil黑油
oildirty oil含杂质油
auto.dirty oil污染了的润滑油
el.dirty oil basin污油池
el.dirty oil pump污油泵
tech.dirty oil tank废油箱
busin.dirty oil tanker黑油船装运重油, 原油的油船
tech.dirty oil trade重油运输
el.dirty oil treatment facility污油处理设施
ITdirty paper coding脏纸编码
sport.dirty play小动作很多的比赛
sport.dirty play粗野的比赛
proj.manag.dirty power脏电源
proj.manag.dirty power损害电子组件的电源
telecom.dirty power未经净化的电源
securit.dirty price不洁价
fin.dirty price不洁价格
fin.dirty price含息价
securit.dirty price含息价 (含应计利息的证券价格)
securit.dirty price脏价
logist.dirty petroleum products原油
telecom.dirty proof初校样
telecom.dirty proof初校校样
work.fl.dirty proof初校样张
textiledirty purple暗紫
ITdirty read污读
ITdirty read脏读
ITdirty read乱读
tech.dirty read错读
textiledirty red暗红
textiledirty red暗红色
telecom.dirty ROM仿 32 位 ROM
tech.dirty sand污砂
construct.dirty sand淤积砂含有黏土的砂
tech.dirty sand脏砂层
oildirty sand淤积砂
tech.dirty sand砂层
dril.dirty sandstone泥质砂岩
desert.dirty sandstone脏砂岩
interntl.trade.dirty ship重油轮
oildirty ship运输黑色石油产品的油船
met.dirty ship运油船
tech.dirty ship重油船
econ.dirty single voyage fixture黑油单程运输量
tech.dirty snowball model脏雪球模型
el.dirty sodium污染钠
el.dirty sodium沾污钠
auto.dirty solution脏溶液
auto.dirty solution混浊液
auto.dirty spark plug脏污的火花塞
auto.dirty sparking plug脏污的火花塞
tech.dirty steam脏蒸汽
met.dirty steel不纯净钢
met.dirty steel不洁钢
securit.dirty stock不洁股票未满足交付要求的股票
securit.dirty stock肮脏股
supercond.dirty superconductor脏超导体
interntl.trade.dirty tanker黑油船
tech.dirty tanker重油油船
transp.dirty tanker原〔重〕油油轮
econ.dirty tanker重油船
tech.dirty tanker不洁油轮
tech.dirty tanker原油油轮
commer.dirty trick卑鄙手段
gen.dirty trick卑鄙手段〔行为〕
tech.dirty utility污物处理室
tech.dirty vessel不清洁船
tech.dirty ware粘脏器皿
textiledirty wash怀旧洗
oildirty water含杂质水
bridg.constr.dirty water污水
oildirty water污染水
CNCdirty water脏水
el.dirty water collecting tank污水收集箱
environ.dirty water disposal污水处置
tech.dirty-water ditch污水沟
tech.dirty water meter污水流量计
compr.dirty water pump污水泵
tech.dirty weather坏天气
busin.dirty work苦差使
busin.dirty work苦力活
busin.dirty work不法行为
busin.dirty work欺诈行为
met.furnace dirty gas bleeder炉子废气放散阀
met.furnace dirty gas bleeder炉气放散阀
oilhandy-size dirty carrier轻型重油油船
interntl.trade.handy-size dirty carrier轻型重油油轮
gen.I'm sorry. You can't try these hats on as they are easy to get dirty对不起,这些帽子都不能试戴,因为容易脏
gen.Please leave the dirty plates on the table. We will soon take them away就放在桌子上吧,我们马上就拿走
interntl.trade.quick-and dirty快餐柜台
interntl.trade.quick-and dirty小吃店
tech.quick-and-dirty evaluation近似估计
el.radioactive dirty water放射性污水【核】
water.res., ecol.rate of dirty removal by washing冲洗去污率
tech.rate of dirty removal dy washing冲洗去污率
tech.scraping of dirty sand刮砂
tech.scraping of dirty sand污砂铲刮
tech.scraping of dirty sand慢滤池刮砂
avia.sensor dirty传感器污染
ecol.swill-cooked dirty oil地沟油
econ.the bag cover dirty袋皮有脏渍
gen.What should I do with the dirty dishes?这些脏的盘子怎么办?