
Terms containing direct expense | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.commercial direct expense商业直接费用
econ.direct department expense直接部门支出
busin.direct department expense直接部门费用即生产部门费用
hydroel.st.direct expense直接费用
econ.direct expense可变费用
tech.direct expense audit直接费审计
interntl.trade.direct expense cost直接费用成本
tech.direct expense escalation按房产的直接支出自动调整租费条款
bridg.constr.direct expense of engineering工程直接费
railw.direct expense of project工程直接费
fin.direct labor expense直接劳动费用
busin.direct labor expense直接人工费用
tech.direct labor expense budget直接人工费用预算
busin.direct labour expense直接人工费用
tech.direct labour expense budget直接人工费用预算
econ.direct manufacturing expense直接生产性费用
chem.direct operating expense直接操作费用
econ.direct store expense商店直接费用
busin.employees and their direct dependents funeral expense职工及其直系亲属死亡丧葬费
busin.management direct expense直接管理费用
busin.medical care expense for employee's direct dependents雇员供养直系亲属医疗费
tech.multiple of direct personnel expense按人工、 开支加权的收费估算法