
Terms containing diploma | all forms | exact matches only
tech.diploma design毕业设计
econ.diploma fees证书费
busin.Diploma in Business Management工商管理学毕业文凭
anim.husb.Diploma in Veterinary Hygiene兽医卫生学学位证书
anim.husb.Diploma in Veterinary Public Health兽医公共卫生学学位证书
busin.diploma of merit褒荣状
anim.husb.Diploma of Veterinary State Medicine国家兽医学学位证书
gen.diplomata diploma的复数
tech.engineering diploma工程证书
tech.engineering diploma工程执照
tech.graduate diploma/graduate degree's diploma研究生毕业证/学位证
avia.higher national diploma〔英〕国家高等技术学校毕业证书
econ.higher technician diploma高级技术人员证书
shoot.ISSF diploma国际射联证书
interntl.trade.national diploma国家文凭
interntl.trade.national diploma国家证书
manag.Olympic diploma of merit奥林匹克奖状
sport.Olympic diploma of merit奥运会奖状
weightlift.President's diploma of honour会长荣誉奖状
China, polit.Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific亚洲和太平洋地区承认高等学校教育学历、文凭与学位的地区公约
sport.victory, medals and diplomas ceremony奖章、证书颁发仪式