
Terms containing difficulty | all forms | exact matches only
dragon.dance.A grade difficulty movementsA 级难度动作
avia.accessibility difficulty可达性困难
tech.activated sludge operational difficulties活性污泥运转问题
gen.advance against difficulties迎着困难上
dragon.dance.A-grade difficulty movementsA 级难度动作
China, polit.appropriately resolve the practical difficulties of妥善解决实际困难
average degree of difficulty平均难度系数
dragon.dance.B grade difficulty movements级难度动作
econ.be beset with difficulties both at home and abroad内外交困
gen.be in difficulties手头拮据
interntl.trade.be in difficulties经济拮据
interntl.trade.be in difficulties财政困难
gen.be in difficulties经济困难
dipl.be in difficulty有困难
gen.Because of the difficulty in obtaining reliable supply of high-quality wool fabric, we discontinued the production of our deluxe alpaca coats由于很难获得可靠的高质量羊毛毛料,我们停止了生产高档羊毛大衣
econ.Because our company does regularly carry the products in stock we have no difficulty to supply the amount you need at any time因为我公司经常备有这种产品,所以随时供应你方所需数量而无困难
dragon.dance.B-grade difficulty movementB 级难度动作
anim.husb.birth difficulty难产
med.breathing difficulty呼吸障碍
med.breathing difficulty呼吸困难
repr.biol.breeding difficulty繁殖障碍
commer.bridge a difficulty渡过难关
gen.bump up against difficulties碰到困难
dragon.dance.C grade difficulty movementsC 级难度动作
repr.biol.calving difficulty难产
anim.husb.calving difficulty母牛难产
gen.cause difficulty forM 给 M 造成麻烦〔困难〕
scub.coefficient of difficulty难度系数
gen.confront a difficulty迎接〔正视,勇敢地面对〕困难
gen.conquer the worst difficulties克服最严重的困难
tech.construction difficulty施工难度
IMF.countries with recent debt-servicing difficulties近期出现偿债困难的国家
IMF.countries without recent debt-servicing difficulties近期无偿债困难的国家
China, lawcreate difficulties刁难
gen.cut through the difficulties排除困难前进
gen.deep-Iying difficulties不易解决的困难
dragon.dance.deficiency of difficulty难度不足
kick.volley.Degree I Difficulty等级 I 的难度
auto.degree of difficulty困难程度
gymn.degree of difficulty难度等级
scub.degree of difficulty难度系数
gymn.degree of difficulty难度值
degree of difficulty动作难度
tech.degree of difficulty难度
tech.degrees of difficulty难易度
tech.degrees of difficulty难度
agric.difficulties and opportunities困难与机遇
agric.difficulties of adaptation适应[性]困难
China, polit.difficulties of bringing lawsuits to court"打官司难"
China, polit.difficulties of ensuring that court decisions are carried out"执行难"
outd.difficulty climbing难度攀岩
textiledifficulty combustible fabric阻燃织物
textiledifficulty combustible fabric难燃织物
tech.difficulty degree of detection检出的难易程度
scub.difficulty dive跳水难度动作
dragon.dance.difficulty grade难度等级
tech.difficulty in decannulation拔管困难
China, lawdifficulty in obtaining难以取得
fin.difficulty in raising funds筹资困难
avia.difficulty index难度指数
avia.difficulty index value难度指数值
gymn.difficulty judge难度裁判员
ski.jump.difficulty judge难度裁判员
sport., psychol.difficulty level难度
gymn.difficulty mark难度分
telecom.difficulty measurement障碍测量
fig.skat.difficulty movement难度动作
dragon.dance.difficulty movements难度动作
mount.difficulty of access难攀登
tech.difficulty of control难控性
AI.difficulty of expert system专家系统困难性
surg.difficulty of urination排尿困难
gymn.difficulty rating按难度分等级
tech.difficulty to control难控制性
gymn.difficulty value难度值
dragon.dance.difficulty value难度分值
textileeconomic difficulty经济困境
gymn.element of difficulty难度动作
CNCengineering difficulty工程瓶颈
gen.experience difficulties在…中碰到困难 (with...)
earth.sc.exploration difficulty coefficient勘探难点系数
gen.face the difficulty正视〔面对,应付〕困难
busin.financial and economic difficulties财政经济困难
fin.financial difficulties财务困难
fin.financial difficulties经济困难
interntl.trade.financial difficulties财政困难
busin.financial difficulties财务拮据
tech.financial difficulty财政困难
gen.find difficulty in对…有困难
earth.sc.forecast difficulty index预报难度指数
earth.sc.forecast difficulty level预报难度
tech.forge ahead despite difficulties知难而进
China, polit.forge ahead in spite of difficulties知难而上
econ.fraught with difficulty充满困难的
commer.freight-space difficulties舱位困难
gen.get over the difficulties度过困难
row.grade of difficulty难度等级
sport.grade of difficulty难度分级
China, lawgreat financial difficulty特别困难
gen.have a will that surmounts all difficulties有克服一切困难的决心
gen.have difficulty in对…有困难
commer.have difficulty in delivering the goods交货有困难
China, lawhave difficulty supporting himself or herself生活困难
gen.have no difficulty with...感到〔对待〕…有〔没有〕闲难
China, lawhave genuine difficulty确有困难
gen.He has difficulty in sleeping, inability to concentrate他不易入睡,也难集中精力
gen.I have difficulty breathing我呼吸困难
busin.in difficulties拮据
econ.in financial difficulty遇到困难
econ.in financial difficulties财政困难
busin.in the grip of difficulties困境
sport., med.index of difficulty难度指数
tech.initial financial difficulties初期财务困难
gymn.judge for difficulties难度裁判员
repr.biol.labor difficulty难产
anim.husb.lambing difficulty羊难产
gen.leave a trail of difficulty behind留下一系列困难
busin.living difficulties生活困难
busin.locomotive in difficulty机车故障
gymn.main difficulty高难度
gen.make raise a difficulty提出反对
gen.make raise a difficulty表示异议
gen.make raise difficulties提出反对
econ.make difficulties表示异议
econ.make difficulties留难
gen.make raise difficulties表示异议
agric.marketing difficulties销售困难
agric.marketing difficulties销售困境
gymn.medium difficulty中等难度
busin.mitigate financial difficulties缓解财政困难
spacemovement difficulty运动困难
tech.navigational difficulties航行上的困难
gen.OK. I think it's time for you to check in. If you run into any difficulty, we'll be here to assist you immediately好了,到时间办登记手续啦。如果遇到困难,我们会及时帮助你
tech.operational difficulties运用困难
tech.operational difficulty使用上的困难
China, polit.overcome many difficulties and restraints克服许多困难和制约因素
commer.pecuniary difficulties财政困难
textilepecuniary difficulty财务困难
textilepecuniary difficulty财政困难
China, lawpersons who have difficulty in finding jobs就业困难人员
gen.plunge into a difficulty陷人困境
gen.present no difficulties会造成带来困难
tech.production difficulty生产故障
CNCproject difficulty工程瓶颈
China, polit.prominent difficulties and problems突出矛盾和问题
China, polit.prominent difficulties and problems affecting economic performance经济运行中的一些突出矛盾和问题
econ.raise difficulties表示异议
econ.raise difficulties留难
med.respiratory difficulty呼吸障碍
med.respiratory difficulty呼吸困难
gen.run into difficulty遇到困难
gymn.score for difficulty难度分值
gymn.score for difficulty难度
otorhinol.separation difficulty分开困难 → 拥挤现象
nurs.separation difficulty分开困难
avia.service difficulty program维修问题大纲
spaceservice difficulty report使用困难报告
avia.service difficulty reports服务难题报告
sport.seventh difficulty第七个难度
securit.shrug off difficulties in credit market摆脱信贷市场困境
econ.smooth away difficulties克服困难
econ.solve a difficulty清偿 (债务)
econ.solve a difficulty解决困难
econ.standing difficulty经常的困难
auto.starting difficulty发动机起动困难
auto.starting difficulty不易起动
tech.starting difficulty起动困难
gen.step to the fore in face of difficulties迎着闲难上
fin.strategy for dealing with Greece's debt difficulties应对希腊债务危机的策略
gymn.superior difficulty高难度
gen.surmount every difficulty排除万难
China, polit.surmount numerous difficulties and hardships战胜许多艰难险阻
gymn.table of difficulty内侧坐
gymn.table of difficulty难度表
busin.task difficulty任务难度
busin.technical difficulty技术性困难
econ.The management is taking necessary steps to overcome the difficulties encountered管理部门正在采取必要的措施以克服遇到的各种困难
econ.The shipowner had great difficulty in arranging a redress because there were too many cases of goods damaged in transport因为运输途中受损的货物箱太多,船主进行赔偿有很大困难
commer.There appears to be no difficulty in marketing these goods销售这些货物看来没有什么困难
econ.They have difficulty in financing their current expansion programme他们难于为其目前的发展计划筹措资金
econ.They have had some difficulties with the customs over the import of cars他们进口小汽车在海关遇上了一些麻烦
gen.this problem is one of great difficulty这个问题是个大难题
econ.tide over difficulties克服困难
econ.tide over difficulties渡过难关
fin.tide over difficulty渡过难关
fin.tide over difficulty遭到临时财政困难
fin.tide over the difficulties through concerted efforts通力合作,共度时艰
scub.total degrees of difficulty难度总和
scub.total of degrees of difficulty难度总和
gen.trample all difficulties underfoot压倒一切困难
gymn.value of difficulty难度
dragon.dance.value of difficulty难度分值
econ.We are certain that you will understand the difficulty in which we are placed我们确信我方的所处困境会得到你方谅解
econ.We contemplated some difficulties in buying these goods我们预料在购买这些物品方面有些困难
econ.We have no difficulties in getting the necessary import licence from our authorities我方从行政当局取得必要的进口许可证没有困难
econ.We hope you will realize that this compromise on both parties is a practicable solution of the difficulty我们希望你们能认识到这种双方妥协的方案是解决困难的切实可行的办法
econ.We shall exert every effort to obviate all the difficulties我们必须尽最大努力排除种种困难
gen.with difficulty容易
gen.with difficulty困难地
gen.without any difficulty毫无困难地
gen.without the slightest difficulty毫无困难地
hydroel.st.wriggle out of a difficulty摆脱困难
gen.wriggle out of a difficulty千方百计摆脱困难