
Terms for subject United Nations containing development area | all forms
Action Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the East Asian Seas保护和开发东亚海洋环境和沿海区行动计划
Action Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Areas of Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates科威特行动计划
Convention for Cooperation in the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Marine and Coastal Areas of the Northeast Pacific安提瓜公约
Convention for Cooperation in the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Marine and Coastal Areas of the Northeast Pacific合作保护和持续发展东北太平洋海洋和沿海环境公约
Expert Group Meeting on Environmental Assessment of Industrial and Urban Development in Coastal Areas沿海地区工业和城市发展环境评估专家组会议
Expert Group Meeting on the Development and Utilization of Local Manpower and Technology for Disability-related Services in Rural and Poverty Areas of the Asia-Pacific region亚太区域农村和贫穷地区开发利用当地人力和技术为残疾人提供服务专家组会议
Joint United Nations/UNEP Consultation on the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Area联合国/环境规划署关于保护和开发海洋环境和沿海区的联合协商
Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute海外沿海地区开发研究所
Regional Trust Fund for the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the East Asian Seas执行保护和发展东亚海洋海洋环境和沿海地区行动计划区域信托基金
Regional Trust Fund for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Areas of Bahrain, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates保护和发展巴林、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊拉克、科威特、阿曼卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯联合酋长国海洋环境和沿海地区区域信托基金
Trust Fund for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the West and Central African Region保护和开发西非和中非区域海洋环境和沿海地区信托基金