
Terms containing development area | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
UNAction Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the East Asian Seas保护和开发东亚海洋环境和沿海区行动计划
UNAction Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Areas of Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates科威特行动计划
ecol.agricultural development area农业开发区
agric.agro-industrial development area农产品加工业开发区
expl.area development分区域开拓大型井田划分为若干具有独立通风系统的开采区域,并共用主井的开拓方式
busin.area development地区开发
earth.sc.Area Development Center地域开发中心
busin.area development funds地区开发基金
tech.area of water development水资源开发
tech.coastal area development海岸区开发
busin.command area development枢纽地区开发
earth.sc.Comprehensive Area Development Corporation West Bengal综合区域开发公司西孟加拉
tech.comprehensive development area map地区综合发展图
UNConvention for Cooperation in the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Marine and Coastal Areas of the Northeast Pacific安提瓜公约
UNConvention for Cooperation in the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Marine and Coastal Areas of the Northeast Pacific合作保护和持续发展东北太平洋海洋和沿海环境公约
anim.husb.Council of U. S. Universities for Soil and Water Development in Arid and Subhumid Area美国大学干旱与半干旱地区水土开发理事会
met.development area建筑区
hydroel.st.development area发展区
hydroel.st.development area开发区
oildevelopment area开发面积
econ.development area发展中地区
environ.development area Area which has been given special help from a government to encourage business and factories to be set up there开发区 (由政府提供特别协助并鼓励设置商业或工厂的地区。)
econ.development area开发地区
tech.development area开发
tech.development area发展地区
tech.development area展开面积
anim.husb.development area网片虚构面积指拉紧长乘拉紧宽
tech.development area of tourism geology旅游地质开发区
fin.development gap between urban and rural areas城乡发展差距
tech.development of new residential area新住宅市区开发事业
hydroel.st.development of seaside area沿岸开发
hydroel.st.development of seaside area沿海区开发
tech.development of seaside area沿岸开发区
anim.husb.Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas印度农村地区妇女儿童发展 (India)
tech.development priority area优先开发地区
tech.development promotion area鼓励开发区
tech.development restriction area开发限制区域
tech.discharged-area development反转显影
tech.economic development strategy of coastal areas沿海地区经济发展战略
China, polit.ensure coordinated development of urban and rural areas统筹城乡发展
UNExpert Group Meeting on Environmental Assessment of Industrial and Urban Development in Coastal Areas沿海地区工业和城市发展环境评估专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on the Development and Utilization of Local Manpower and Technology for Disability-related Services in Rural and Poverty Areas of the Asia-Pacific region亚太区域农村和贫穷地区开发利用当地人力和技术为残疾人提供服务专家组会议
tech.future development area远景发展地段
org.name.High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组
org.name.High-level Panel on United Nations System-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组
tech.high-technical industrial development area高新技术产业区
econ.joint development area联合开发区
UNJoint United Nations/UNEP Consultation on the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Area联合国/环境规划署关于保护和开发海洋环境和沿海区的联合协商
anim.husb.Leading Group for Economic Development of Poor Areas now LGOP贫困地区经济开发领导小组现为 LGOP
econ.Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area马来西亚一泰国联合开发区
navig.maritime industrial development area海洋工业开发区
tech.maritime industrial development area港口工业发展区
tech.mixed development area混合发展区
tech.mixed development area混合建筑区
tech.natural development area自然发展地区
econ.Oil Mineral Producing Areas Development Commission尼日利亚石油矿区开发委员会
UN, ecol.Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute海外沿海地区开发研究所
anim.husb.Poor Area Development Office贫困地区开发办公室 (of LGOP)
tech.priority development area优先发展区
agric.regional development area局部发达地区
UNRegional Trust Fund for the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the East Asian Seas执行保护和发展东亚海洋海洋环境和沿海地区行动计划区域信托基金
UNRegional Trust Fund for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Areas of Bahrain, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates保护和发展巴林、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊拉克、科威特、阿曼卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯联合酋长国海洋环境和沿海地区区域信托基金
tech.residential area development work居住区改建事业
tech.seaside development area沿海开发区
tech.special development area特别开发区
busin.special economic development area经济开发特区
China, polit.step up progress toward balanced development between urban and rural areas加快城乡协调发展步伐
tech.suburban development area近郊整备区
tech.suburban development area近郊发展区
tech.suburban development area近郊整顿区
org.name.Sustainable Development of the Mountain Areas of Asia亚洲山区的可持续发展
el.technological & economic development area技术经济开发区
China, polit.the uneven economic, political and cultural development of different areas各地政治、经济、文化发展不平衡的状况
UNTrust Fund for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the West and Central African Region保护和开发西非和中非区域海洋环境和沿海地区信托基金
tech.urban development area城市扩建区
tech.urban development area城市发展区
tech.urban development area
tech.urban development area城市扩展区