
Terms for subject International trade containing development | all forms | exact matches only
acquisition of development rights扩界申请
Agency for International Development美国国际开发总署
Agency for International Development国际开发协会
agency for international development国际开发总署
agency of international development美国国际开发署
Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development国际复兴开发银行协定条款
Asian Development Bank亚洲开发银行 (ASDB)
association for international development国际发展协会
Atlantic Community Development Group for Latin America Investment Company大西洋共同体拉美开发团投资公司
balanced development均衡发展
balanced development平衡发展
balanced over-all development planning平衡的全面发展规划
bid list development确定招标名单
cancellations and refundings of development credits开发信贷的撤销与偿还
Colombo Plan for Co-operative Economic Development in South and South East Asia科伦坡经济合作发展计划
Conference for Pacific Trade and Development太平洋地区贸易及发展会议
Council for International Economic Cooperation & Development经济合作总署
deformed development畸性发展
derived development引伸发展
development aid开发援助 (assistance)
Development Assistance Committee开发援助委员会
Development Assistance Group开发援助集团
development cost开发成本
development credits开发信贷
development credits agreement开发信贷协定
development expense扩展费用
development expense发展费用
development finance company开发金融公司
development financing开发资金供应
development financing发展资助
development financing发展资金供应融通
development loan fund开发放款基金
development of the financial situation财政状况的进展
development partners发展伙伴
development programmes发展方案
development resources发展资金
development resources发展资源
development security facility发展担保基金
development tax开发税
development tax发展税
early development早期开发
economic development accountancy经济发展的会计
economic development administration经济发展局
Economic Development Committee for the Movement of Exports出口流通经济开发委员会
economic development institute经济发展研究院
economics of under development不发达经济
endogenous development源于内部的发展
endogenous development内在发展
export development assistance office出口发展援助处
export development fund出口发展基金
Guangdong Province Special Economic Zones Development Company广东省经济特区发展公司
high-tech development高技术开发
housing & development board建屋发展部
human resources development program人力资源发展方案
indicative world plan for agriculture development世界农业发展指示性计划
indicator of economic development经济发展指标
industrial development patent工业发展专利权
industrial development patents工业发展专利权
integrated agricultural development综合农业发展
integrated development综合发展
integrated development全面发展
Integrated Development Project综合发展项目
Integrated Development Project一体化发展项目
intermediate in the scale of development中度开发国家
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development国际复兴开发银行简称 workld Bank 世界银行
international development agency国际开发署
International Development Association第二世界银行
international development review国际发展评论
International Trade Development Association国际贸易发展协会
job development credit扩大就业机会优惠企业因增雇工人而得到的赋税优惠
lending focus on rural development集中于农村发展的放款
livestock development project牲畜发展项目
Malawi Development Corporation马拉维开发公司
Management Development Institute发展管理学院
manpower development act人力发展法案
manpower development & training act人力发展及训练方案
marine terminals & harbor and port development海运码头与海港和港湾开发
maturity structure of effective development credits有效开发信贷偿还期日期表
ministry of overseas development海外发展部
national development国家发展
national development plans国家发展计划
national development priorities国家发展的优先次序
National Economic Development Council全国经济发展协会
offering information on manufacturers, gained in research and development work提出有关制造资料,供未来研究发展的参考
official development assistance官方开发援助
official development assistance官方发展援助
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development经济合作发展组织
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development经济合作开发组织
Organization for European Cooperation and Development欧洲合作与发展组织
organization growth and development组织成长与发展
outward-looking development policy向外发展政策
Papua New Guinea Development Bank巴布亚新几内亚开发银行
partners in development开发之伙伴
percent of total effective and noneffective development credit占已生效和未生效的开发信贷总额的百分比
petroleum development and distribution project石油开发和销售计划
Private Development Corporation of the Philippines菲律宾私营开发公司
product development产品发展
product development生产发展
progressive development逐渐发展
public works and economic development公共工程与经济发展法案
regional cooperation for development区域合作发展
regional development banks区域性开发银行
rural development农村发展
rural development project农村发展项目
Second Development Decade第二个十年发展计划
self .sustaining development自立发展
separate development分别发展
six development credits六项开发信贷
Society for Interactional Development国际开发协会
Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development联合国经济发展特别基金会
statement of development credits approved批准的开发信贷报表
strategy for the integrated development of regional cooperation in Asia亚洲区域合作统一发展战略
summary statement of development credits开发信贷汇总表
system development cycle系统研制周期
takeoff in economic development经济发展的起飞
technology acquiring and development技术引进和发展
technology acquisition and development技术引进和发展
Trade and Development Board贸易和发展理事会 (of UNCTAD)
transfer and development of technology技术转让和发展
UN Industrial Development Organization联合国工业发展组织
United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development联合国科学和技术应用于发展咨询委员会
United Nations Capital Development Fund联合国资本开发基金会
United Nations Centre for Development Planning, Projections and Policies联合国发展规划、预测和政策中心
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易与发展会议
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易发展会议贸发会议
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易与发展会议贸发会议
United Nations Development Coopertaion Cycle联合国发展合作周期
United Nations Development Decade联合国开发十年
United Nations Development Decade联合国十年发展计划
United Nations Industrial Development Organization联合国工业发展组织工发组织
U.S. Agency for International Development美国国际开发署
WIPO Permanent Programme for Development Co-operation Related to Industrial Property世界知识产权组织发展工业产权合作常设规划署