
Terms containing design instruction | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
avia.design change instruction〔客〕设计更改说明
avia.design drawing instruction设计图纸说明
spacedesign instruction设计说明书
wind.design instruction设计任务书
busin.design instruction and codes设计须知和设计规范
el.design instructions设计说明书
avia.handbook of instructions for aerospace system design航空航天系统设计手册
tech.instruction of design设计说明书
ITinstruction set design指令系统设计
ITmacro instruction design宏指令设计
el., toolsThe instruction pamphlet gives a detailed description of the hardware configuration and software design of the microcomputer-based automatic control system for the impact drill说明书上对冲击钻微机自动控制系统的硬件构成及软件设计进行了详细的解释
econ.We shall print such design according to the instructions in your letter我方将按你方来函要求,印出此种图案