
Terms containing denied | all forms | exact matches only
gen.A visa must be denied if the applicant cannot establish his or her eligibility如果申请人不能证明申请合理性,那将会被拒签
gen.be denied to...是…得不到的
gen.be denied to...不给…
securit.denied access to the securities market不得进人证券市场
securit.denied access to the securities market进人证券市场被拒
avia.denied boarding compensation被拒绝登机赔偿
avia.denied boarding compensation让座补偿金
telecom.denied origination呼人限制
telecom.denied origination发端限制
telecom.denied terminal呼出限制
telecom.denied terminal终端限制
gen.If my visa application is denied, could it help to have a high ranking official contact the consulate?被拒签后,我是否能找一个高级别官员联系领事馆帮我通过申请?
gen.In some instances, the application is denied because necessary information or supporting documents were not submitted在某些例子中,申请被拒是因为没有提交必要的信息和相关文件
gen.In some instances, the application is denied for more serious reasons. An applicant's current or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities, as examples, may make the applicant ineligible for a visa在一些情况下,申请者会因为一些更严重的问题被拒签。申请者过去或者目前的行为,例如吸毒,或者其他犯罪活动都可能成为其被拒原因
el.link inhibit denied signal链路阻塞拒绝信号