
Terms containing democracy | all forms | exact matches only
China, polit.accelerate the development of democracy with Chinese characteristics加快中国特色的民主政治建设
China, polit.advocate democracy in international affairs主张国际关系民主化
econ.an economic theory of democracy民主的经济理论
manag.autocracy and democracy独裁与民主
China, polit.China Association for Promoting Democracy中国民主促进会民进
China, polit.China Democracy and Legal System Publishing House中国民主法制出版社
China, polit.China's democracy and legal system中国的民主法制建设
UN, afr.CNDD rebels = National Council for the Defence of Democracy全国捍卫民主理事会
manag.company democracy公司民主
UN, afr.Congolese Rally for Democracy民盟
UN, afr.Congolese Rally for Democracy民主联盟
comp., net.cyber democracy网络民主
China, polit.democracy and freedom民主自由
China, polit.democracy and legal construction民主和法制建设
China, polit.democracy and rule of law民主法制
China, polit.democracy at the community level基层民主政治建设
China, lawdemocracy at the grassroots level基层民主
China, polit.democracy at the grass-roots level基层民主
gen.Democracy Day1月28日卢旺达民主日 (Rwanda)
China, polit.develop democracy发展民主
China, polit.develop diverse forms of democracy丰富民主形式
China, polit.develop socialist democracy发展社会主义民主
econ.economic democracy经济民主化
busin.economic democracy经济民主
econ.economic theory of democracy民主经济论
China, polit.enhance socialist democracy发扬社会主义民主
China, polit.expand democracy at the community level扩大基层民主 (at the lowest levels of government)
econ.financial democracy财政民主
econ.financial democracy财政上的民主主义
China, polit.firmly establish the concept of giving high priority to the Party, the overall situation, the people, democracy and the legal system牢固树立党的观念、大局观念、群众观念、民主观念、法制观念
UN, afr.Forces for the Defence of Democracy捍卫民主阵线
UN, afr.Forces for the Defence of Democracy捍卫民主力量
UN, afr.Front for Democracy in Burundi民主阵线
China, polit.give full to democracy充分发扬民主
China, polit.improve socialist democracy and the socialist legal system推动社会主义民主法制建设
manag.industrial democracy工业民主
econ.industrial democracy工人参与企业管理工业民主
China, polit.joint efforts to improve socialist democracy and the socialist legal system共同推进社会主义民主法制建设
UN, afr.Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy利比里亚人和解与民主团结会
busin.mass democracy大民主
UN, afr.National Council for the Defence of Democracy-Forces for the Defence of Democracy保卫民主全国委员会-保卫民主力量
China, polit.parliamentary democracy议会民主政体
manag.participatory democracy参与民主
gen.People Democracies人民民主国家
China, polit.political equality and democracy政治上平等民主
China, polit.political situation of democracy, solidarity, liveliness, stability and harmony民主团结、生动活泼、安定和谐的政治局面
China, lawprinciple of democracy and openness民主、开放的原则
China, polit.promote socialist democracy发展社会主义民主政治
China, polit.safeguard and develop socialist democracy保障和发展社会主义民主
fin.shareholder democracy股东民主
econ.social democracy社会民主主义
China, lawsocialist democracy社会主义民主
China, polit.socialist democracy社会主义民主政治
China, polit.socialist democracy and the socialist legal system社会主义民主法制建设
China, polit.strengthen democracy and the legal system加强民主法制建设
China, polit.strongly advocate democracy充分发扬民主
econ.the financial democracy财政民主
China, polit.the people's democracy人民民主
manag.three democracies in public enterprise公营企业三大民主
UN, afr.Union for Democracy and Peace in Côte d’Ivoire科特迪瓦争取民主与和平联盟科民和联盟