
Terms for subject Business containing deliver | all forms | exact matches only
application to deliver for export出口交货申请
batch by batch deliver分批送货
deliver from go-down出仓
deliver goods to the doorstep送货上门
deliver judgement判决
deliver judgement裁决
deliver merchandise交货
deliver on term定期交货
deliver on the spot就地投送
deliver on time按期交货
deliver order提货单
deliver over引渡
deliver the goods交货
deliver the goods against surrender of the document见单交货
deliver up让与
fail to deliver goods at the time stipulated不如期交货
fail to deliver goods at the time stipulated不按约定日期交货
failed to deliver the goods未交付货物
failure to deliver未交付
failure to deliver risks提货不着险
Let's discuss the delivery date first. You offered to deliver the goods within six months after the contract signing让我们来说一下交货期的问题。你方在合同签订后的6个月内交货
notice of intention to deliver交割意向通知
person entitled to deliver有权提货者