
Terms for subject Economy containing delay | all forms | exact matches only
According to the contract you shall execute this order to the entire satisfaction of our customers and without delay根据合同你方应使我方客户完全满意,按时按定单规定交货
advise reason for delay告知推迟原因
allowances for necessary machine delay机器必要迟延的宽限
Any further delay of payment will void your order如再拖延付款将使你方的订单无效
Any unforeseen accidents in the shipment of the goods are sufficient excuse for the delay in delivery运输该货中的任何意外的事故都是延误交货的充分理由
balance delay总呆滞时间
Because of the strike the productive plan will be subject to unavoidable delays由于这次罢工,生产计划不可避免地会推迟完成
Contractor is to do his best to ensure the completion of the project without delay承包商应尽力保证项目准时完工
damages for delay延迟引起的损害赔偿
delay agreement保证付款的协定
delay allowance容许的延迟
delay an employment延迟征聘
delay contract保证销货付款的合同
delay delivery拖延交货
delay delivery arrangement延交安排
delay exclusion延迟损失除外
delay exclusion延退除外条款
delay goods迟交货物
delay in延迟…
delay in delivery延迟交货
delay in payment推迟付款
delay in payment迟付
delay income credits过期账收入
delay income debits过期账支出
delay of about延迟时期
delay of goods货物交付延误
delay of shipment装运延迟
delay of voyage航行延迟
delay payment延迟付款
delay posting延迟过账
delay rental过期租金
delay rental for leaseholds租赁期内的过期租金
delay repayment of capital and interest延期还本付息
delay shipment延迟装运
delay spending延缓消费
delay the delivery延期交割
delay time延长时间
delay time of cargo货物停留时间
elapsed time delay运行时间延迟
excusable delay可容许的迟延
excusable delay可容许的延误时间
incident to delay in shipment延迟装运所带来的
investigate the cause of delay调査延误原因
It is imperative that you furnish us with the actual sample without delay务请你方立即提供实样
legal delay法定延误期间
liability for delay延付责任
liability for delay延迟责任
loss of delay延误损失
operational delay实施方面的延缓
Please do your utmost to execute this order to the entire satisfaction of our customers and without any delay请尽最大努力及时按订单规定交货,使我方客户完全满意
prevent delay防止迟延
remedies as regards delay of delivery货物迟交的赔偿
report of manufacturing delays生产延续报告
Serious efforts are to be made to get the goods despatched without delay认真努力以期立即发货
Since it was neither force majesty nor any other contingencies beyond your control, we have to hold you responsible for the delay of the delivery既然这既不是不可抗力也不是你们难以控制的别的任何意外事故,我方不得不要你方承担延迟交货的责任
The company has decided to delay payment of all invoices公司已决定推迟兑付所有的发票
The delay is due to our inability to secure necessary transportation means延误是由于我方无法获得必要的运输工具而造成的
The delay of L/C precluded us from catching the liner at the end of June信用证的耽误使我们没有赶上6月底的班轮
The delegates' inspection will not cause undue delay or inconvenience to the workers in performing the work代表们的视察不会给工人们的操作带来不适当的延误和不便
the exoneration from liability for delay延误责任的免除
The lack of raw materials will cause a delay of about 20 days原材料的缺乏将造成20天左右的延误
The late arrival of the ship explains the delay延误是由于该船迟到所造成的
The manufacturer agrees to delay payment for three weeks厂家同意推迟三个星期付款
The manufacturer has the right to disclaim the responsibility for delay in the event that the raw materials are lacking如遇原材料缺乏,制造商将有权否认对延误负有责任
the ratio delay study工时损失分析
The suspension of payment is caused by the delay of delivery of the plant equipment停止付款是由于工厂设备的发货误期所引起的
the undue delay不适当耽搁
the undue delay过分耽搁
the undue delay不应当的迟延
They fear that a week delay in shipment may seriously affect the business他们担心交货期延误一周有可能严重影响业务
They have to shoulder the responsibility for any delay in payment due to incompleteness of application他们必须承担由于申报手续不完备而造成的延期付款的责任
They will delay the portion which has not been shipped他们将推迟尚未装运的那一部分
This delay on your part has subjected us to a considerable loss你方迟误,使我方遭受相当大的损失
This delay will cause us an increase in cost此次延误会增加我方的费用
time delays时间误差
unavoidable delay不可避免的延迟
We assure you that we shall execute this order to your customers' satisfaction without delay我们保证毫不耽误按订单规定交货,使你方客户满意
We have asked you to be routed via Singapore. If you have been routed wrong, we hold you responsible for any possible delay我们要求你方取道经由新加坡,如果你方选错航线,则任何可能发生的延误由你方负责
We have just received your articles after a delay of a week延误一周后我方刚收到你方货物
We hope that this delay will not influence your installing the machines我们希望此次延误不会影响你方安装机器
We regret deeply that the goods can not be delivered to you on time because of the delay of your L/C由于你方信用证耽误,我方不能准时交货,深感遗憾
We regret the delay in sending you our L/C我方延误寄发信用证,甚感抱歉
We shall have the right to delay shipment if the distributors fail to meet the payments如经销商无力付款,我们有权推迟发货
We shall inform you of our decision within a definite time so as not to delay the shipment我们将在一定的时间内把我方决定向你们通告,以免延误发货
We think that your order for these lathes should be placed with us without delay我们认为你公司应立刻向我方订购这批车床
will proceed without delay立即不延误地进行
You should understand that this delay has placed us in an embarrassing situation你们应当了解这次延误已使我们处于为难境地