
Terms for subject Business containing decreasing | all forms | exact matches only
analysis of increasing and decreasing unit cost of product产品单位成本升降分析
constant per cent of decreasing balance of depreciation折旧渐减额的固定比率
cost decreasing industry成本递减工业
decreasing charge递减费用
decreasing cost industry递减成本产业
decreasing credit紧缩信贷
decreasing efficiency递减效率
decreasing failure rate减少故障率
decreasing failure rate average平均减少故障率
decreasing marginal cost递减边际成本
decreasing net value净值递减
decreasing opportunity cost机会成本递减
decreasing profit利润递减
decreasing return报酬递减
decreasing return收益递减
decreasing return to scale规模收益递减
decreasing returns收益递减
decreasing series递减数列
decreasing supply curve递减供给曲线
decreasing term assurance递减定期人寿保险
decreasing term insurance递减定期保险
decreasing variance递减方差
fixed percentage of decreasing net value method定率递减净值法
law of decreasing relative cost相对成本递减法则
law of decreasing return报酬递减规律
monotone decreasing quantity单调递减量
monotone decreasing set function单调递减集合函数
monotonic decreasing function单调递减函数
monotonic decreasing quantity单调递减量
monotonic decreasing set function单调递减集合函数
monotonically decreasing function单调递减函数
monotonically decreasing quantity单调递减量
strictly decreasing function绝对递减函数
tendency decreasing下降趋势