
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing days | all forms | exact matches only
be on the day shift值日班
cargo handled per ship-day in port装卸货物吨数每停泊艘天
cargo handled per ship-day in port船舶装卸货物吨数每停泊艘天
cloudy and drizzly for days on end阴雨连绵
day-night capability一昼夜能力
day's run一天的航程
day's run一天航程
day to day lease按日租赁
day-to-day lease按日租赁
DWT-days in port船舶在港吨天数
Our offer remains open for 3 days.我们的报价三天内有效
output per berth-day in operation运营中平均生产量每客位天
output per berth-day in operation天生产量每运营客位
output per DWT-day in operation运营中平均生产量每吨位天
output per DWT-day in operation生产量每运营吨天
per day按日计
per diem by the day按日计
running days连续工作天数
sales day book销售日记簿
ship-days in port船舶在港艘天
ship-days in port船舶在港艘天数
ship's expenses per operation day船舶运营费每天
ship's expenses per operation day船舶运营艘天费用
ship's expenses per operation ton-day船舶运营吨天费用
ship's expenses per operation ton-day-kilometer船舶运营费每吨天千米
sunny day晴天
ten-day plan of ship dispatching船舶旬调度计划
ten-day plan of ship dispatching船舶调度旬计划
ten-day plan of ship operating船舶旬调度计划
ten-day plan of ship operating船舶调度旬计划
weather working days好天气工作日
weather working days, Sunday & holidays excepted除晴天工作日、星期日和假日外
Your L/C must reach us 30 days before delivery.你们一定要在交货前 30 天把信用证送来达我方