
Terms for subject Management containing days | all forms | exact matches only
all day study全日研究
average days of stocking平均贮备天数
average days of supplying interval平均供应间隔日数
average outlay of material per day每日材料平均支出数
calendar day历日
day shift早班
day-to-day operation日常生产
daylight days
daylight days白昼日
days of average inventory on hand库存存货平均天数
days of turnover周转天数
days work每日工程
every other day每隔一天
fair day's pay公平的报酬
fair day's work公平日工
fair day's work公平的产量
half-day system半日制
hire for a day雇佣一日
idle days停留天数
International Olympic Day国际奥林匹克日每年的6月23日
legal day法定日到午夜十二点为止
measured day rate已测定的日给率
number of calender days日历日数
number of days sale in inventory存货销售天粉
off day休息日
pay day发薪日
pay day过户给帐日
pay day交割日
pay day付款日
prolongation of working day工作日延长
standard working days标准工作日数
unproductive working days非生产工作日数
working day lost through the stoppages罢工停工工人日数
working days工作日
working days of 24 consecutive hours连续 24小时工作日