
Terms for subject General containing days | all forms | exact matches only
a year less three days一年少3天
to adjourn without day无限期休会
Adults Day日本成人节1月15 日
After a day of sightseeing, you can go to a concert in the world renowned Broadway theaters游览一天后,你可以在著名的百老汇歌剧院听音乐会
after three days三夭后
all day终日 (long)
all the day整天 (long)
all day整天 (long)
all day long整天
all day long全天
all in the day's work正常的
all in the day's work一般的
all in the day's work合常理的
all in the day's work平凡的事
all through the day一整天
An apple a day keeps the doctor away一日一苹果,医生远离我
an eight days—星期前或后
another day改天
another day他日
any day任何时候
any day无论如何
any day
any day
any day在任何情况下
any day不管怎么说
any day随便哪一天
Are the gifts sent anonymously on Valentine's Day?情人节送出的礼物都是匿名的吗?
Are you feeling better these days?这几天感觉好点了么?
as clear as day极明白
as clear as day非常明显
as clear as day一清二楚
as clear as day很清楚
as the day is long一贯地
as the day is long终日
astronautic day宇宙航行日
Australia Day1月26日澳大利亚日
barrels of oil per day桶/日
barrels of oil per day每日〔产油〕桶数
barrels per calendar day桶/ 日历天
barrels per calendar day每日历天〔产油〕桶数
barrels per calendar day每日历天桶数
barrels per day每日〔产油〕桶数
barrels per stream day每开工日〔产油〕桶数
barrels per stream day桶/开工日
be on the day shift值日〔夜〕班
before the days…出现之前
before the days…时代开始以前
between two days通宵
between two days整夜
between two days在夜间
blackletter day非节假日日历上用黑体标明的日子
blackletter day倒霉的日了
blackletter day不吉利的日子
blackletter day平日
Boxing Day英联邦节礼日12月26日
Boy's Day日本男孩节5月5 0
by day在白天
by day and by night日日夜夜
by the day按日计
Canada Day加拿大日
cap and feather days童年时代
carry the day战胜
children's Day儿童节
Children's Day六一儿童节6月1日
Chopsticks Day日本筷子节 (8 月4日)
Columbus Day哥伦布日
Common Valentine's Day gifts are flowers, chocolates, candy, lingerie and champagne or sparkling wine情人节礼物通常是花、巧克力、糖果、女性内衣、香槟或者汽酒
cubic feet per day英尺3/日
day about每隔_天地
day after day一天天
day after day成〔每,天〕天
day after day逐〔每〕日
day after day曰复—日
day after day一天一天地
day after the fair失去时机
day after the fair太迟
day and night日以继夜
day and night日夜不停地
day and night
day applied tactics昼间战术
day bomber昼间轰炸机
day bomber squadron昼间轰炸机中队
day by day逐〔每〕日
day by day曰复—日
day by day一天天
day by day每日
day by day逐日
day by day日益
day-for-night photography白昼拍摄夜间效果的摄影术
day frequency日间昼用频率
day hole通地面的坑硐
day in日复一日
day in一天又一天
day in andday out一天天
day in andday out一天到晚
day in andday out日日夜夜
day in andday out连续不断地
day in andday out日复一日
day in day out一天到晚
day in and day out每天
day in and day out继续不断地
day in and day out天天
day in day out连续不断地
day in day out一天天
day in day out日日夜夜
day in day out日复一日
day labourer短工
day labourer计日工
30-day lethality照射后照过30天的死亡率
day of rest星期
day of supply供售日期
Day of the Founding of DPRK9月9日朝鲜共和国日
day out日复一日
day out一天又一天
day succeeds to day日复一日
days and nights昼夜
days and nights
Double Seventh Day七夕情人节农历 7 月初 7
during day在白天
early in the day为时不晚
early in the day大清早
early in the day及时
Easter Day复活节春分月圆后第1个星期日
Easter Day is a Christian religious holiday to celebrate Jesus Christ's return to life after his crucifixion at Calvary复活节是基督教的传统节日,它是为庆祝耶稣基督在十字架受难以后的复活
end one's days
Enthronement Day3 月 3 日摩洛哥登基日 (Morocco)
every four days每隔一〔二,三〕天〔周,月,年〕 (weeks, months, years)
every three days每隔一〔二,三〕天〔周,月,年〕 (weeks, months, years)
every two daysюр.,АУС 每隔一〔二,三〕天〔周,月,年〕 (weeks, months, years)
Father's Day父亲节6月的第3个星期日
few days ago日前
fighter day squadron昼间战林机中队
on five consecutive days连续五天
five day BOD五日内排出废水的生物化学需氧量
Fool's Day愚人节4月1日
for convenience we divide time in such a way that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute为了方便起见,我们是这样划分时间的,即一天有24小时,一小时有60分,一分有60秒
for convenience we divide time in such a way that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute为了方便起见,我们是这样划分时间的,即一天有24小时,一小时有60分,一分有60秒,承包有关电力系统的电力生产、分配及应用等各方面的整套综合装置的安装及启用
for days on end接连数日
from day to day天天
from day to day一天一天地
from day to day每天都
from day to day一夭一天地
from this day forth从今天起
from this day forward从此以后
from this day onwards从今以后
from this day onwards从今天起
gone are the dayswhen……的日子过去了
half day半天
has seen its best days现在不行了
he said he would go there the next day他当时说他打算第二天到那儿去
He'll be laid up for a few days, but he should be home from the hospital on Thursday他得在床上躺几天,但周四就应该出院
Here is our skin cleanser. It is designed to lift away dirt, oil, and make-up without aggravating even very sensitive skin. This cleanser is gentle enough to use every day这是我们的洗面乳。它能有效清除污垢、油脂和化妆品,且不损害极敏感性皮肤,适合于每天使用
His Majesty the King's Day6 月 24 日西班牙国王陛下日 (Spain)
How about the charge for the days you shared the room with your friend?这几天与您同住的朋友的费用怎么算呢?
How do people in Wales spend Valentine's Day?在威尔士人们如何过情人节?
How do you celebrate Independence Day?你们怎么庆祝独立日呢?
How many days is this ticket good for?这张票有效期是几天?
How much a day do you charge?每天收费多少?
I have to confiscate these fresh fruit. Give your declaration form to the attendant at the exit. And have a nice day我得没收这些新鲜水果。请把申报单交给出口的服务员。祝您旅途愉快!
I plan to stay for about 10 days. I'm just passing through. I am leaving for China预计停留约 10 天。我只是过境而已。很快就要动身前往中国
I really hope to see you again some day and we are looking forward to hearing from you真心希望我们再次相遇,期待收到你的消息
I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation我三天前为一位外国客人预订了一个房间,但现在这位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订
I shall be here for three days我将在这里呆三天
I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two more days我想知道是否可以让我在这多住两天
I'd like to change my reservation to 25th this month for 3 days我想将预订延长至3天,25号入住
I'd like to rent a mid-size car for three days我想租一辆中型轿车,而且要租三天
I'll stay with some friends for a few days in London and then I will go sightseeing我会和朋友在伦敦待几天,然后去观光旅游
I'm afraid I can't meet you on the day we'd planned to get together很抱歉我无法在预订会面日期与你见面
I'm so sorry for the errors in the work. Please give me a couple of days to check it up again我对工作中的错误感到很抱歉,请给我几天时间再检查一遍
in a few days在几天之内
in a few days日内
in a few days过几天
in days gone by以往
in days gone by在过去〔从前〕
in the days of old以往
in the days of old从前
in days to come未来
in days to come在将来
in latter days近来
in the days of在…时代
in the old days昔日
In the old days, people preferred classy and high value movies, whereas today, the common person prefers a movie with violence, nudity, or other things of that nature过去,人们喜欢高品位的电影,但在今天,民众却对充斥着暴力、裸露镜头以及其他类似情节的电影情有独钟
in the olden days苷日
in the olden days往苷
in these days近来
in these latter days现今
in these latter days近来
in those days当时
in those days那时候
in those days当年
in those days this door wouldn't open那些日子里这门老是开不开
in three days' time在三天内
in three days' time三天后
interceptor day fighter画间截击战斗机
International Nurse Day国际护士节5 月 12 日
It feels like there are more cars on the road every single day好像每天街上的车都越来越多
It is a hundred dollars a day including heating fee, but excluding service charge一百美元一天,包括供暖费但不包括服务费
it took us two days to take that machine to pieces把那台机器完全拆开花了我们两天时间
it's all in the day's run应看作正常〔普通〕的事
It's traditional in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day感恩节吃火鸡是美国的传统
January 16th is San Antonio Atonement Day in Spain. Men show their braveness by riding horses through the fire1月16日是西班牙的圣安东尼赎罪节,男人们骑马穿过火焰来展示他们的勇敢
keep pace with the swift tempo of the day跟上时代的飞速步伐
Liberation Day4月11日乌干达解放日 (Uganda)
Liberation Day4月4日匈牙利国庆日 (Hungary)
Liberation Day塞舌尔解放日 (Seychelles)
Liberation Day1月1日古巴解放日 (Cuba)
light day光日约160亿英里
light day白昼
live out one's days过一辈子
lose the day战败
lose the the day战败
May Day五一国际劳动节
May Day is only a week off离五一节只差一星期了
megawatt-days per ton兆瓦-日 /吨
Men in kilts in a crowd wearing everything green marked this year's St. Patrick's Day Parade成群结队身着绿色苏格兰短裙的男子成为今年圣帕特里克节游行中最亮眼的风景
metric tons per day〔公〕吨/ 日
micrograms per square decimetre per day微克/分米2/ 日腐烛速率单位
micrograms per square decimetre per day微克/分米2/日腐蚀速率单位
Mid-Summer Day仲夏节北欧6月
mille barrels per day千桶/ 日
mille cubic feet per calendar day千英尺V 日历日
mille cubic feet per calendar day每天千立方英尺数
mille cubic feet per day千英尺3/日
milligrams per square decimeter per day毫克/分米2/曰
milligrams per square decimetre per day毫克/分米2/ 日腐蚀速率单位
million barrels per day兆桶/ 日
million gallons per day兆加企/ 日
million gallons per day兆加仑/ 日
million of cubic feet per day英尺3/日
million standard cubic feet per day兆标英尺3/日
millions of standard cubic feet per day百万标英尺3/日
Mother's Day母亲节5月的第2个星期日
阿拉伯酋长国国庆日 National Day12月2日 老挝国庆日 (UAE)
National Day12 月 17 日不丹国庆节 (Bhutan)
National Day12 月18日尼日尔国庆日 (Niger)
National Day12 月7日象牙海岸国庆日 (Ivory Coast)
National Day12月2日 老挝国庆日 (Laos)
National Day3 月 25 日希腊国庆日 (Greece)
National Day2月4日斯里兰卡国庆日 (Sri Lanka)
National Day2 月 23 日文莱国庆日 (Brunei Darussalam)
National Day3月17日爱尔兰国庆日 (Ireland)
National Day2月25日科威特国庆日 (Kuwait)
National Day3月31日马耳他国庆日 (Malta)
National Day5月9日捷克与斯洛伐克国庆日 (Czech & Slovakia)
National Day5月20日喀麦隆国庆日 (Cameroon)
National Day6月6日瑞典国庆日 (Sweden)
National Day6 月 23 日卢森堡国庆日 (Luxembourg)
National Day7月17日伊拉克国庆日 (Iraq)
National Day7月21日比利时国庆日 (Belgium)
National Day7月23日埃及国庆日 (Egypt)
National Day8月4日布基纳法索国庆日 (Burkina-Faso)
National Day8月23日罗马尼亚国庆日 (Romania)
National Day9 月 2 日越南国庆日 (Viet Nam)
National Day9 月 12 日佛得角国庆日 (Cape Verde)
National Day10月1日塞浦路斯国庆日 (Cyprus)
National Day尼日利亚国庆日 (Nigeria)
National Day10月12日西班牙国庆日 (Spain)
National Day10月26日奥地利国庆日 (Austria)
National Day11月18日阿曼国庆日 (Oman)
National Day11月19日摩纳哥国庆节 (Monaco)
National Day12 月 1 日中非国庆日 (Central Africa)
National Day10 月 28 日希腊国庆节 (Greece)
National Day赤道几内亚国庆节 (Equatorial Guinea)
National Day10 月 10 日斐济国庆日 (Fiji)
National Day9月3日圣马力诺国庆日 (San Marino)
National Day8月31日马来西亚国庆日 (Malaysia)
National Day8 月 15 日刚国国庆日 (THE Gongo)
National Day7月20日哥伦比亚国庆日 (Colombia)
National Day7月1日布隆迪国庆日 (Burundi)
National Day6月7日乍得国庆日 (Chad)
National Day4月17日叙利亚国庆日 (Syria)
national day国庆
National Day is drawing near国庆节快到了
National Day of China国庆节10 月 1 日
National Day or Independence Day of some countries in the world世界部分国家国庆日或独立日
National Founding Day2 月 11 日日本建国日 (Japan)
National/Bastille Day7 月.14 日法国国庆日 (France)
National/Portugal Day6 月 10 日葡萄牙国庆日 (Portugal)
net tons per day短吨/ 日
New Year's Day元旦1 月 1 日
the next day第二天
the next day次日
next day次日
night and day日夜不停地
night and day日以继夜
night and day始终
night and day夜以继日
night and day不分昼夜
not to be named in the same day withM 比 M 差得多
not to be named in the same day with比…差得多
not to be named in the same day withM 与 M 不可同日而语
not to be named in the same day with与…不可同日而语
not to be named on the same day withM 与 M 不可同日而语
not to be named on the same day withM 比 M 差得多
not to be named on the same day with比…差得多
not to be named on the same day with与…不可同日而语
Old People's Day日本敬老节9 月 15 日
on a near day三五天内
on a near day日内
on alternate days每两天〔一次〕
on alternate days每隔一日
on consecutive days连日
on consecutive days接连几天
on days ofwhen…在…日子里
On New Year's Day, people in certain countries gather on beaches and run into the water, which is known as polar bear plunges新年当天,人们有习俗聚集到海边,跳入水中集体冬泳。他们管这叫“北极熊跳”
on that day of all others偏偏在那_天
one of these days总有一天
one of these days两三天内
one of these days在最近期间
one of these days日内
one or two days一两天
or days in combination with the twelve earthly branches
our great motherland is prospering with each passing day我们伟大的祖国蒸蒸日上〔日益繁荣昌盛〕
Our Independence Day is just like your National Day, but we are not that lucky enough to have such a long holiday美国独立日就跟你们的国庆节一样,不过我们可没有运气享有这么长的假期
Pakistan Day3 月 23 日巴基斯坦日 (Pakistan)
Pumpkin Day北美南瓜节10月31 日
Qingming Festival;Tomb-sweeping Day清明节阳历 4 月 5 日
Queen's Day4 月 30 日荷兰女王日 (Netherlands)
Republic Day4月26日塞拉里昂共和国日 (Sierra Leone)
Republic Day圭亚那共和国日 (Guyana)
Republic Day印度共和国日 (India)
Room service is available 24 hours a day客房送餐服务24小时都提供
round the day一整天
rounds per gun per day每炮每日发射次数
San Antonio Atonement Day圣安东尼赎罪节
seven days constitute a week七天构成一星期
short tons per day短吨/ 日
some day有朝一日
some day他日
some day有一天
some day改日
some day将来有一天
some day or other有一天
some day or other过几天
some days ago几天前
some fine day某日
some fine day有一天
some other day改日
some other day另一天
some other day改天
Songkran Festival Day泰国宋干节新年 4 月 13 0
St. Patrick、Day爱尔兰圣帕特里克节3月17 日
St. Patrick's Day圣帕特里克节苏格兰节日
ST. Valentine's Day情人节2 月 14 日
Teacher's Day中国教师节9月10日
ten-day fern铁线形耳蕨
That includes rental for three days, insurance and sales tax, plus an added fee for gasoline那包含了三天的租金、保险和印花税,加上油钱
the burning issue of the day燃眉之急的问题
The circular shaped bathtub will calm you at the end of a long day圆形的浴缸会让你在漫长的一天结束后镇定下来
the day after次日
the day after第二天
the day after tomorrow后天
the day before yesterday前天
the day is not far distant when...距离…的日子已不远了
The doctor ordered that you should stay in bed for several days, and if you feel any shortness of breath, please let me know, and I will tell the doctor医生说,您应该卧床休息些日子。如果您感到气急,请告诉我,我会转告医生的
The doctor said you have got the flu. She will prescribe some medicine for you. You'd better stay in bed for one or two days医生说您感冒了,她会给您开药,并建议您最好在床上休息一两天
The first “day of Thanksgiving” actually took place at Berkeley, Virginia in 1619 - a year before the Mayflower brought the pilgrims to Massachusetts实际上,美国人第一次庆祝感恩节是在1619年,地点是弗吉尼亚州的伯克利市,一年以后,五月花号将清教徒带到了马萨诸塞州
the God of day太阳神
The incubation period lasts approximately 10—14 days after contact感染后的潜伏期大概会持续10至14天
The latest model of sunglasses, unconventional in pattern and unique in style, meets the tendency of the day最新款的墨镜,造型别致,风格独特,时代新潮
The most common Valentine's Day symbols are the heart, particularly in reds and pinks, and pictures or models of Cupid情人节最常见的标志是一颗红色或粉色的爱心桃,以及印有爱神丘比特的图画或模型
the other day几天前
the other day前些日子
the other day前几天
The people's Revolution Day埃塞俄比亚人民革命日 (Ethiopia)
the realities of the day当前的现实
The Revolution Day11月1日阿尔及利亚11月革命节 (Algeria)
the time of day钟表上时刻
The Valentine's Day became associated with romantic love in the Middle Ages in England圣瓦伦廷节与爱情发生关联是在中世纪的英格兰
the vogue of the day风行一时的事物
the watch gains half a minute a day这表每天快半分钟
the whole day整天
the whole day终日
idiom the whole day一天
in these days近来
in these days目前
in these days如今
in these days最近
these tools may come in handy one day这些工具有一天可能有用处
They started their self-driving tour on May 1st, and ten days later they arrived at the base camp5 月 1 日,他们开始了自驾游,十天后他们到达了营地
in this day and age在今天这个时代
in this day and age目前
this day month下个月今天
this day week下〔上〕星期的今天
this day week上〔下〕周的今天
this day year去〔明〕年今日
This offer will expire in two days这个特价再过两天就结束了
three clear days整整三天
three days after三夭后
to a day恰恰
to a day一天不差
to this day到今天
to this day直到今天
Today is one pig-out day今天是个大吃大喝的日子
tomorrow is a new day明天还有指望
tomorrow is a new day明天还来得及
Traditionally, spring begins on St. Valentine's Day February 14th , the day on which birds chose their mates. In parts of Sussex, Valentine's Day was called “the Birds,Wedding Day”按照传统,情人节这一天也预示着春天的来临,小鸟们会在这个时候选择它们的伴侣。在英国的苏塞克斯郡,人们称情人节为“百鸟成婚节”
two years come May Day到下一个即将来到的一个五一节为止的这两年间
UN Day10月24日联合国日
Victory Day6月1日突尼斯胜利日 (Tunisia)
Visa processing time is typically three working days, but processing time for specific cases may vary due to individual circumstances and other special requirements签证处理时间一般为三个工作日,但是具体个案处理时间可能根据个人情况及特殊要求而定
Waitangi Day2 月 6 日新西兰国庆日 (New Zealand)
We must now ask you to work it out and settle the account within the next few days请你务必在这几日内结清这笔账款
we shall be installing the equipment this day month下个月的今天我们安装这套设备
We spent our first day in Amman, Jordan? s bustling limestone capital到达首日,我们游览了安曼,约旦热闹的石头都城
We took a day trip to the Palace of Versailles我们享受了凡尔赛宫一日游
What a pity! We have another party that day太可惜了,我们那天也有个聚会
Why do people give chocolate as a gift on Valentine's Day?情人节为什么要送巧克力?
Why is St. Valentine's Day associated with love?为什么圣瓦伦廷节与爱情有关?
win the day战胜
with each passing day日益
Women's Day妇女节3月8日
World Aids Day世界艾滋病日12月1日
World Consumer Right Day世界消费者权益日3月15 0
World Disabled Day世界残疾日12月3日
World Earth Day世界地球日4 月 22 0
World Environment Day世界环境日6 月 5 0
World Grain Day世界粮食日10月16日
World Health Day世界卫生日4月7日
World Housing Day世界住房日十月第一个星期一
World No-smoking Day世界无烟日5 月 31 日
World Population Day世界人口日7 月 11 日
World Post Day世界邮政日10月9日
World Telecommunications Day世界电信日5 月 17 日
World Tourism Day世界旅游日9月27日
World Water Day世界水日3月22日
Would you like express service or same-day?您是要快洗服务还是当日取?
Yes, with this visa, you can stay in the United States for up to 90 days是的,有了旅行签证,你可以在美国逗留90天
You were talking to us the other day that you went diving in Australia那天你说你去澳洲潜水了
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