
Terms containing day shift | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
shipb.be on the day shift值日班
gen.be on the day shift值日〔夜〕班
econ.day night shift
met.day shift日班
met.day shift白班
manag.day shift早班
busin.day shift日班人员
tech.day shift
tech.day shift goods dispatcher日勤货运调度员
tech.day shift system日勤制
auto.day/night shift switch后视镜日 /夜变换开关
securit.double day-shift system双班制
textilefixed day shift长日班
econ.He is a day worker who works the day shift他是日工,就是上白天班的工人
met.normal day shift正常白班
met.three-shift work day system三班工作作业
tech.three-shift work day system每日三班工作