
Terms for subject Economy containing day | all forms | exact matches only
a bargain day廉价销售日
a bargain day交易日
a brazen day of heat酷热的一天
a day of reckoning结账日
A like sum of money shall be repaid to the lender on the same day of each month在每月的同一天应偿还出借人相同的金额
a measured day rate plan定期评奖工资制
a measured day rate plan测定的日给计划
a name day结算日
a quarterage day季度结账日
A shop assistant has to answer a lot of queries from customers every day店员每天需回答顾客的许多疑问
a ten-day report旬报
a work day工作日
According to the penalty clause in the contract, the company was fined 1% for every day after the deadline根据合同罚款条款,该公司超期后每天受罚1%
adult day care成人日托服务
After a whole day's discussion the committee agreed on the scheme经过一整天的讨论,委员会同意了这个方案
After the payment of $2000, you can pay in consecutive installments of $200 each on the 15th day of each month付了 2000美金后,你方连续在每月的第15日分期付款,每次金额为 200美元
All those fees accrue monthly on the last day of each month所有那些费用在每月最后一天自然增长
an appointed day指定日期
available on day of…日内有效
available on day of......日内有效
bargain day减价销售日
barrels per day桶/每天
business working day营业日
census day人口普査日
census day人口普查日
clearance day清理日期
Computation of contract time begins on the day when both parties sign the contract合同生效时间的计算从双方签订合同的那一天算起
contango day交割期限日
cost per day每日费用
day after date出票后… 日 (付款)
day bill远期票据
day book日记帐
day book流水账
day book流水帐
day call日拆 (息)
day date岀票后…
day labour日工
day labourer日雇佣者
day labourer按日计酬的工人
day loan日拆 (息)
day of demurrage延滞天数
day of demurrage滞装天数
day of entry入港报关日
day of normal stock正常储存天数
day of sale出售日期
day of supply供应日
day on demurrage滞期天数
day on demurrage延滞天数
day rate日工资率
day rate plan日给制
day's cash ratio每日现金需要比率
day's date期票付款日
day's sight见票后……日 (days after sight)
day sales out-standing ratio日销售未收款比率
day sales outstanding ratio日销售数未收款比率
day night shift
day to day money日拆
day-to-day accommodation日常资金融通
day-to-day accommodation暂时通融资金
day-to-day accommodation日常贷款
day-to-day balance日常余额
day-to-day chores日常杂务
day-to-day lease暂时租赁
day-to-day loan活期贷款
day-to-day management业务管理
day-to-day money活期贷款
day-to-day test逐日检验
day-to-day trader日常交易者
day trader当日交易者
day when available可使用的日数
day when available有效日数
day work零工
day work零星用工
day work rate日工单价
day work system计时制
degree day度一天
dull day淡日
eight working-hour day八小时工作制
end of day日末
enter day stop order报关日中止令
every other day隔日
first day of issue邮票首日封
five-day report五日报
four day week四天工作周
full business day交易整日
full-business-day session全日市
gallons per square foot per day每平方英尺每日加仑
good the day限当日当月、本周有效 (month, week)
goods for the day order当日订货的货物
He is a day worker who works the day shift他是日工,就是上白天班的工人
He promised to submit the report of the preceding month to the company by 15th day of every month他答应在每月15日向该公司呈递上月度的报告
heating degree-day取暖【增温】度日
hire out by the day按日计算出租
horsepowers per million gallon per day每日百万加仑马力
It is a substantial shop, where substantial business can be done every day这是一家殷实的商店,每天能做大量的交易
journal day-book分录日记帐
journal day book现金出入账簿
journal day-book分录日记账
journal day-book日用流水帐
journal day-book分类记帐
kilowatt per day每日千瓦
kilowatts per day每日千瓦
labour day工作日
labour day unit value劳动日单价
labour day value劳动日值
last day for pay purposes薪资截止日期
last tender day通知交货最后日期
last trading day抵销交货最后日
makeup day补进日
makeup day结算日
making-up day交易延期日
making-up day证券展期结算日
man day人工日工作量
man-day equivalent人日当量
man day in absence缺勤工日数
man day of legal holiday公休日数
market day定期
marking up day贴水日
marking-up day提价日
measured day rate测定的日给率
measured day work计算日工作制
metric tons per day每日公吨数
Michaelmas Day英国结算期之一 (9月 29 0)
Michaelmas Day英国结算期之一9月29日
Midsummer Day英国结算期之一 (6月14 0)
Midsummer Day英国结算期之一6月24日
monetary interests of the day眼前利益
money of day交易支付票面值
national day国庆节
National Day国庆日
next-day funds settlement system隔日资金结算系统
number of day's sales in inventory存货销售天数
number of day's sales in merchandise inventory存货销售天数
off day休假日
on a day to day basis按日计算
on-the-day commodity market当日商品市场
ordinary every day expenses日常用量
present-day value现值
present-day value capital现值资本
present-day value income现值收入
prompt day交易所交割日
quarter day季末结账日
quarter day四季结账日
received a day book现金收入日记簿
release day进修假日 (公司给予职工每周一天的进修时间)
Robert is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company罗伯特负责公司的日常运转
Sales cost just includes the day-to-day expenses销售费用只包括日常开支
same-day payment arrangement出票当日付款协议
scoop in 300 dollars a day一天赚 300 美元
settlement day证券、股票的交割日
stream day开工日
tax day征收日期
that very day即日
The accountant makes the figures tally every day会计每天要把账上的数字轧平
the packet day邮件截止日
the packet day邮船出发、到达
the same day funds当日资金
the settling day交割日
the settling day清算日
the seven-day clause卸货后七日入仓条款
the seven-day notice deposit七日通知存款
The ship will call at your port the day after tomorrow后天,该轮船将在贵方港口停靠
The steel works turns out 500 tons of steel a day该钢厂每天产钢500吨
the working-day norm工期定额
They have received our bills and invoice dated 1st March and are willing to accept our draft at 20 day's sight他们已收到我方3月1日的票据和发票,愿意接受我方见票20天付款的汇票
This agreement shall inure from the day it was signed本协议从签署那一天起生效
ticket day交易所交割日的前一天
time working-day计时工日
tons per workable hatch per day每日每个适合工作的舱口装货量
trading day adjustment商业工作日调整
trading day adjustment商业日的调整
trading day adjustment营业日调整
value of a day's labour日劳动的价值
variation per day每日变化
We postponed the closing date to the same day of the following month, as requested我方按要求将结束日期延至下个月的同一天
work day工作日
working-day norm building工期定额建筑
working weather day晴天工作日